Explanation 2 - Electic Boogaloo

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Izuku had stopped crying and shaking.

He was too tired to do so anymore.

But he couldn't go to sleep, not yet.

He owed everybody an Explanation on who he truly was.

Of course, that also meant delving into the subjects of the True nature of the Quirk of the current Number 1 Hero, which he was sure he wouldn't be happy about.

But he didn't want to leave anything out, So All might would have to deal with the fact that more people knew.

So as Nemuri sat with Izuku in her lap, with Naiko and Aizawa sitting cross from them.

"My name is Izuku Midoriya, my parents... Were, Inko Midoriya, who was my Mother. And Shigaraki, who was my Father. He is also known as All for One, a Villain from the time where Quirks first appeared, and his power allows him to endlessly steal and use Quirks of others, hence the name of his quirk"

As Izuku Revealed all this, Nemuri and Naiko listened Intently, not wanting to miss a single thing.

Aizawa, listened as well, but he also seemed to be recording and taking notes on his phone.

"My mother raised me till I was four, which is when my father came to collect me and check if my quirk was like his... He killed my mother, and my true quirk awakened in an effort to try and defend myself... I have a semi refined version of my fathers Quirk, it's just limited in the amount of Quirks I can take and hold on to, but I can also do things he can not, Like truly Mixing quirks and creating new ones from old ones" As Izuku explained his powers, Naiko nodded.

"So is that what you did to those Foreigners?" Naiko asked.

"I've had never really done it before, so I was just trying to get better at it... I didn't keep the quirks I made, I erased them and left them all without one" Izuku answered.

"And what about the Money? The Police were told that they had a large amount of money with them. What did you do with it?" Aizawa asked.

"I found some homeless people, And divided it up between them" Izuku answered.

Aizawa seemed surprised at Izuku's words, but nodded with a wry grin and a chuckle.

Nemuri nodded proudly and hugged Izuku tighter with a warm smile.

"Do you have any other Quirks apart from the Green Energy one?" Aizawa asked.

Izuku nodded, and held both of his hands.

He dragged both of his energies to his hands.

And as the Neon Green Orb of Fizzeling Energy appeared in one, A small cloud of Inky black Darkness surrounded the other.

"Neon Genesis and Scion of Shadows" Izuku said, naming the Quirks, "The first one My father Acquired for me after he took me. It is capable of making solid light objects, Projectile blasts, and offering a Massive Boost to any of my bodies Aspects, like speed, strength and Agility... The second I got a year ago on an nighttime outing, shortly after You two adopted me. It can hide me in shadows, Create blasts of shadows, it can also create some Solid objects, and I can create puppets that I can control and see through" Izuku said, explaining the Quirks.

Everybody was silent for a while, until Aizawa spoke, asking a series of questions.

"How did you escape your father?"

"Do you know where he is now?"

"Anything else that we should know?"

Izuku was stumped for a while, but he did answer.

"I caused an explosion at his compound and escaped in the chaos. I don't know where he is, and I don't care. And as for the last one... It depends on if you want to know about All Might?"

"All might!? What does he have to do with this?" Naiko asked.

"I don't know much, only what my father was willing to tell me when I asked. But All might has a Quirk, that was passed onto him. The Quirk originally belonged to my fathers brother... My uncle. But he rebelled against my father and decided to Run and train his quirk, pass it on and do it all over again, until the Quirk is strong enough to defeat All for One... He is the 8th holder of this quirk and it's purpose is to defeat my father. But..." Izuku paused, hesitant to reveal the next part.

"But what?" Nemuri asked.

"All might got into a fight a while ago with my father, During the time while he had me... All might was apparently injured very badly, his respiratory system was wrecked and one of his kidneys are gone, from what I overheard from my father, All might can only take on the form he is seen in for a certain amount of time... And my father seems to think he should be trying to find a successor sooner or later" As Izuku said all this, Aizawa frowned and paused his typing.

"If this is true... I need to contact him, he needs to know..." Aizawa said.

Izuku tensed up in panic, but otherwise stayed silent.

But Aizawa noticed, and explained.

"If All for One knows about his condition and that he's looking for a Successor, he needs to know, and be prepared. And he will want to meet you" Aizawa said.

"But-" Izuku tried to Object, panicked at the thought of Meeting the man who hated his father, and might want him dead as well.

"No buts" Naiko said, "Trust Nemuri and I, when we say that It will turn out fine"

Izuku nodded slowly and curled up in Nemuri's embrace, who tightened her embrace around him.

Aizawa went into the kitchen to make the call, while Nemuri and Naiko stayed with Izuku.

Nemuri nudged Izuku to ask him a question, "Izuku, can you tell us about your true Quirk?"

"S-sure" Izuku said as he sat up to be in a more comfortable position, and started.

"My version All for One Can steal Quirks. Although Mutation type quirks can't be taken, only erased, but that has very severe consequences. I can currently hold up to Five Quirk permanently, and as I train, I can hold more. Something that I can do that my father can't, is that I can dissect multiple Quirks to make one quirk stronger quirk, but I'm still trying to work on that part. My father can only overlap quirks, making a strong single effect with little versatility. And I can see the world around me through Quirks. It's how I found Scion of Shadows, By stretching my senses across most of the city, and I saw it burning like a sun in the distance, once I concentrates, I could see what it could do, who held it, and what potential it had... And thats about it" As Izuku finished explaining his True quirk.

Nemuri and Naiko seemed to be silently communicating through a look.

"Izuku... Can you promise us... That unless you have Aizawa's, Nemuri's or my permission, you won't steal a quirk with the intention to keep it. We also won't stop you from practising how to properly use it, But we want you to inform us of when you leave to do so an where about your going, so we can find you if anything happens... Ok?" Naiko Said, making the offer.

Izuku looked up at his new Mother, the word feeling less like a hot cosl in his throat, when he called he that.

"Thank you... Mom" Izuku said with a slightly red face.

The word seemed to echo a bit as it left his mouth, and as Naiko teared up, she grabbed Izuku form Nemuri's grasp, and Hugged him.

Izuku hugged her back, And after a while, Nemuri wanted to join in on the love, so Izuku ended up sandwiched between his two mothers receiving love form all sides.

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