Operation: Regeneration Acquisition

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After the visit with All might, which had went better than Izuku could have hoped for, it wasn't difficult to get Naiko and Nemuri to start training Him, heck over the next three weeks even Aizawa joined in they knew Izuku was going to do this wether he had their consent or not, and they wanted him to be prepared.

After all, He said he would help, and is all that Izuku ever wanted to do.

So Izuku was going at his training full force, Having his mothers and Uncle come at him all at once, No enhancements from his quirks at first, in order to speed up his training.

Of course, he still went to school, he didn't want to leave this friends to worry about him, if they didn't see him.

So his schedule was set.

For the next three weeks after his visit to All Might, He went to school in the morning, still being top of his class in all subjects, and in the afternoons he trained, Dodging attacks on all sides and trying to at least land a single hit in.

And at night, Every three days, he went out on the prowl.

Of course he had been set rules, to make sure the public wouldn't panic from having a Vigilante that stole quirks running around.

The first was obvious, Don't get caught.

The second was, If your going to Train All for One by using Quirks and making new ones, I could only do it once every Six days, on every other time I went out at night.

And the third rule, Be safe.

And so as He left his Apartment through his window, leaving with a coded Knock on the wall of his room to let his moms know he was going out,

He activated Neon Genesis, Boosting speed and Agility, but no tot that max.

No, he decided to take things slow.

So as he zipped up walls and jumped from roof to roof in the cover of the night, Feelin the wind in his hair, He also had his senses tuned.

He was looking to start his Collection of Regeneration Quirks, Hoping to find enough to split up evenly between Him and All might, so they could both have such a Boost.

Of course, he also needed to figure out something else, before he gave All Might a regen Quirk and even made him a new one.

Making a Vessel that can hold Multiple Quirks at once, without losing their Minds and having their bodies altered too much.

He has heard talk about trying to make such things, but so far he had only been able to make mindless husks that couldn't even do simple tasks.

So Izuku was on the prowl for not just a few Regen Quirks to stitch together, but also a very special combination of quirks.

Biokinesis, The ability to alter the Structure of the Human Body on a cellular level.

And psychokinesis, Specifically ones that delt in The general Mental effects, like mind reading and also Mental Restructuring.

All of these would be what he needed to help All might stay himself while going through the process, at least that was his hypothesis.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2023 ⏰

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