the hunt

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Izuku had snuck out of the house.

He didn't know how, but he did.

Maybe it was just really good soundproofing keeping him from. being detained in his room. But whatever it was, he was thankful for it.

Dinner had been amazing, and with Aizawa sleeping on the floor of Living Room like a log in a food coma, and the Girls Doing Whatever they did, He had nothing to worry about.

He had one goal, to find another Quirk.

It would be hard, he'd probably need to fight and nearly get himself killed, but If he could find a quirk that suited him, it would all be worth it.

He stood on the roof of the apartment building, looking down on the streets.

The streets of the Hero District were packed with the roaming nocturnal people of the city.

Nobody Paid him much mind, mostly because they couldn't see him from down on the street.

Izuku breathed deeply, the cold sting of the frozen night air as it entered his lungs, feeling refreshing and somehow relaxing.

"*sigh*... I guess it's time to go on the prowl?" the young Quirk Thief said as he activated His True Quirk to the maximum extent his brain could handle before it started to make him bleed from the nose slightly.

Suddenly, the Entire Hero District and three of the neighboring ones, were within his sight.

He could see everything, every Street was seen by his third eye.

He could feel the people walking around, The presence of every person in range was felt.

And most importantly, Their Quirks.

He could feel the Hum of power within the soul of every person, The Sizzling Electrostatic of Energy coursing through their veins.

It was intoxicating to feel their power.

It was driving him mad with greed and want.

He had only done this three times before, Spreading his senses far, as a part of his fathers 'training'.

Each time he had passed out from overload.

Izuku stood still, breathed in, and searched.

He rummaged through the Souls of every person in range.

Quirks of all shapes, sizes, colors, textures and categories.

He could Feel their Names.

Smell their purpose.

And see their Potential.

He went through hundreds.

Dismissing some entirely as they held little power and were as dim as a candle in snowstorm.

But a few caught his attention.

Two in particular.

They shone like minutrue suns.

They smelled of Infinity.

And felt Like pure unadulterated Power.

The first, Had a friendly cool feeling to it, yet also an intense heat at it's core.

Half Cold/Half Hot.

A dual type quirk that screamed of Balance and Duality.

Fire and Ice, in a perfect mixture of 50/50.

The Boy that wielded it, no older than him... And he was in pain.

Pushed to be better than even the number one, born to Surpass All might himself, or at least that was what he was told by his father.

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