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13 years and 8 months later... Present Day

3rd Person POV with the Guardians

"Gora Gora hey! Wake up!" Rocket shouted at Gora as she thrashed in her seat on the bridge, kicking and scratching at the air but she bolted awake, tail and fur puffed out and eyes looking around frantically, as soon as Rocket put his paw on hers.

"You all good there G?" JJ spoke up from where she was sitting in her seat working on one of her newest bomb designs; one that would spray out a volatile gas that would ignite when given a spark from her, something from one of her sister's favorite movies from Earth that had inspired her to make a real life, bit more destructive version.

*Y-yes I'm alright.. an old nightmare just decided to rear its head...* Gora's vocalizer spoke for her, emotion and all, and she shook herself out to make her fur go back down before preening herself to calm down.

"No kiddin'... one decided to visit me last night and it really spooked me." JJ rubbed the back of her neck from under her long coppery hair as Groot told her from where he was sitting in his seat playing with a leaf on his arm that was slowly growing more muscle,

"I am Groot I am Groooot..." (Ya gotta stop sleeping upside down from the roof...)

"I already told you I don' like layin' down when I sleep." JJ rolled her eyes a bit before her accusing tone turned to a slightly depressed one as she added, "Anyway.. I just get the feeling it might've gotten to Ash too... thought I heard her before I.. landed on my head..."

Groot snickered and JJ tossed a bolt at him making him scowl at her but she just returned it with a stuck out tongue before Rocket suggested, taking the conversation a bit more seriously than before,

"Maybe ya outta check in wi'h her?"

"Nah it's still night on Earth so I wanna wait 'n case it didn't." JJ pulled out and held up her one-way communicator with her sister to reveal that, on Ash's end, the time stamp was 11:47 pm.

*What was your nightmare about?* Gora questioned with her head tilted curiously.

"Hmmm..." JJ leaned back in her seat as she looked up at the ceiling before answering, "Jus' some fuzzy images and voices... screams... think they might be memories of when Ash and I were with Thanos back in the Garden before we went into our five-year power nap."

Rocket heard the barely muttered 'screams' and his ear twitched in agitation at how freaked out his kid sounded so he lightened the mood with a snarked,

"I woul'nt worry about that creep anymore, he got his head taken off and dusted in the same timeline."

"Yeah maybe yer right..." JJ muttered without thinking but Rocket was quick to hear and rub in her face,

"HA! You just admitted I'm right!"

"Dammit!" JJ realized she did and tried to ignore her dad's gloating, reaching into the ship-wide used toolbox for the last component she needed, only to realize they didn't have any more.

"Hey when're we headin' to Knowhere? I need some Aakon-grade metal oxide aerogel capsules to finish these off." JJ held up her nearly completed bomb.

*Why the new shape?* Gora asked, referring to how it was in the shape of an ​​icosahedron instead of an orb.

"Cause explosive gas ain't somethin' you want rollin' around." JJ answered simply with a slight shrug.

"Alright, we'll go to Knowhere for a quick supply run! I don' like hangin' 'round that place longer than we hafta." Rocket started plotting a course.

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