Back Into the Fray

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AN- Some slightly confusing POV switches in this chapter!

3rd Person POV with JJ

Once the Guardians were within the atmosphere of Knowhere, JJ got a ringing alert on her communicator and looked to see Ash was calling her.

After going to the docking area for a little privacy to take the call, she answered with an attempted monotonous,

"You've reached the message box of JJ. To leave a messag-"

*That may have worked on me last time but not this time!* Ash's voice came between laughs and JJ started laughing too before saying,

"Ehh worth a shot." She switched the video on so she could see her sister's face and vice versa, "So how's it goin'?"

*Not much. Dad and I are heading to the mainland for some restocking.*

"No kiddin'? We're doin' the same thing."

*I guess we're still on the same mindset even galaxies apart.*

"Yeah..." JJ's voice lowered a bit as she asked, "Speakin' o' minds, didja have any nightmares last night?"

Ash's face fell and JJ nodded before saying,

"Yeah me too..."

*It's been hard but my Dad's helping me through it as best he can..*

"Ehh my dad usually just says 'suck it up buttercup' but y'know less child friendly now that Groot's growing up now."

*Really? I thought he was still.. a sapling?* Ash questioned and JJ could tell she was looking for anything to talk about so she humored her,

"Yeah I caught'im flexin' his muscles in the bathroom yesterday morning."

*Seriously?* Ash nearly choked on her laughs before a screech rang out in the ship as Quill announced through the intercoms,

*Landing on Knowhere. Prepare to disembark.*

*Quill! Stop trying to sound like the godman!*

*That's not even what I sound like!*

JJ smirked up at the argument going on cuing Ash to ask,

*Oh yeah how's Thor been?*

"Aside from eatin' all our food and then sayin' he's gonna work it all off later, he's been doing alright I guess." JJ shrugged as she went about grabbing her satchel from her room and making sure her units were in the pocket inside.

"Hold on a sec." JJ told her sister as she put the call on hold and asked the others,

"How're we pairin' up this time?"

"Well we shoun't leave Drax and Mantis alone by themselves or Quill and Thor 'therwise they'll try ta off each other.." Rocket started to say and JJ finished with,

"So them four together and the four of us?"


JJ smirked as she, Rocket, Groot, and Nebula got into a group and the others went off with their group, Quill and Thor already arguing with Drax egging them on and Mantis too busy looking at things being sold to care while Gora elected to stay on the ship to guard it.

After walking for a little bit, JJ told her group,

"My guy with the aerogel capsules' over here."

"Just hurry up." Rocket told her as he and Groot went off to an ammunition vendor and Nebula went off on her own.

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