Second Chances

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3rd Person POV

Once the process of destroying the planet Chrysinthea and safely dispersing the amount of Core energy that was meant to fully destroy the Orinix by Ash, JJ, and Ori, everyone on the ship who had escaped before the planet was destroyed kept watch on the small island where the cosmic willow tree was situated in the middle of the rubble of the planet as if waiting and hoping for some sign of life from the girls.

"They really did it..." Zaruk spoke up, breaking the silence, reforming their statement from earlier and Xay and Zaia were still tearing up from losing Ash and JJ just when it seemed like they wouldn't anymore.

"Hold up." Rocket used the tech screen in the window to zoom in on something that was rapidly moving away from the remains of the planet, "Looks like Kryjer's tryin' ta make a run for it!"

"Then let's go after him! He can't get away!" Xay urged banging a fist against the floor in anger and Rocket was about to agree with him when the lights on the ship began to flash red making him mutter,

"What the frick...?"

"Uhhh guys?" Everyone turned their attention to Zaiavira as she had a hand to the glass window while her other hand was cupped around her temple when she spoke again, a haunting tone in her voice, "Something weird is building up within the ship."

"She's right." Rocket had gone back up to the pilot's seat to fully access the ship's systems when he announced, "Somethin's givin' off a crap-ton o' energy, but we're a safe ways away.. for now..."

On the Daietian, Kryjer and the scant few of his men who had survived the planetary implosion were planning to make a quick getaway when the systems started warning about a build-up of energy in the ship's weapons system.

"What's going on?!" Kryjer demanded to know as his lieutenant was frantically trying to assess the damage the ship had taken as he announced,

"Kryjer, sir, something is happening with the collected Cores."

No sooner than he announced that the entire ship shook violently before slowing in its retreat, eventually coming to a full stop,


At that, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a familiar iridescent gemstone as it shone brightly before crumbling into sand-like particles as a stream of light flowed out, through the window and out into the vastness of space.

"NO!" Kryjer shouted when he realized what was happening; from all across the ship, souls were being freed from their concentrated prisons, leaving them as piles of dust as their spirits streaked out into the cosmos.

From afar, everyone gaped in awe at the countless streaks of multicolored lights that freed themselves from the ship, leaving it dark as they took whatever energy remained after their departure, leaving the Daietian powerless to run away.

"The ship's completely dead!" Rocket announced from where the scanners were reading no energy levels, spiritual, electricity, or otherwise, within the ship's systems before asking, "D'we leave'em here or what?"

"W-we can't just leave them here." Bruce tried to argue before Dylan questioned with a slight shrug,

"Eh can't we though?"

"It's not what they would've wanted..."

"I am Groot. I am Groot..." (Yeah.. JJ'd probably say somethin' like 'don' let'em off too easy, th' longer they wallow, the better...') Groot added, shrugging slightly before looking down at being reminded how his sister was gone.

"And Kryjer needs to pay for what he's done.. to them, to us, to our peoples..." Zaruk insisted.

"Lucky this outdated junk heap's got a comm system, I'll call the others, see where they're at with fixin' the ship." Rocket devised as he found a comm system and started trying to signal Knowhere.

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