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Five Months Later...




3rd Person POV

"Daaaaaad! Seriously, I feel fine, it's just a scratch!" Ash whined as Bruce with a first aid kit in his hands rushed over to where she was leaning against the couch with a hand on the already-dissipating scratch on her knee.

"If you try to stick that bib on me again Dad I swear to whatever god still exists I will fry your fur!" JJ shouted in irritation from the other side of the house before rushing into the kitchen area as Rocket held the aforementioned bib in his paws with a mischievous look from Groot's shoulder as he play-mocked her,

"~I am Grooot~" (~But you look so cuuuuute in it~)

"Guys c'mon, the others will be here to pick you four up and you shouldn't travel on an empty stomach." Bruce reminded them all as he hurried to pull another waffle from the waffle maker before it could burn from his being distracted.

"Ugh yer tellin' me!" JJ plopped herself at the table island where some ready waffles were already stacked and started piling her plate as she added with a slight yawn,

"Could sleep much last aahhhnight layin' down an-OW!"

Before she felt a spine smack the back of her head saying,

"Mrrrow!" (Wait for us!) Revealing Gora as she hopped onto the seat next to JJ across from where Ash and Groot sat with their plates as she argued,

"I wasn't startin'!"

"I am ~Grooot~!" (~Suuuure~ you weren't!) Groot taunted her as she reached across to ruffle her hair which she swatted away.

Rocket and Bruce both smirked at their daughters as the two of them kept trying to remind themselves they were finally back to normal... well normal for them anyway...

After finding their baby forms at the space willow tree, they returned to Earth after leaving Kryjer and his men with the other Guardians and the people of Knowhere, while Bruce, Rocket, Groot, and Gora stayed at Bruce's island lab/home to take care of Ash and JJ as they slowly reverted to their regular ages after discovering they had been aging back to normal at a rate of a few months per day.

Xay and Xaiavira had wanted to stay with them but Zaruk needed their help in reacquainting Jabazi with "New Chrysinthea" (Zaruk still having trouble coming up with a name for their new Earth-bound home) so they reluctantly went with them in exchange for being allowed to see Ash and JJ once they finished recuperating with Zaia even talking about asking to be a part of the Guardians.

Dylan and the other Blazars had started collaborating with the people of Knowhere to travel the galaxies in search of other bases and ships of the Oajins and Kryjer thanks to intel that Zaiavira had been able to provide them about their operations to shut them down for good. In addition, they were also working on becoming an official governmental program designed to prevent and aid with the recovery of Chrysinthean-based hate crime victims on Earth seeing as how there were still some of them living outside of "New Chrysinthea" with their human partners, friends, and families and were often targets of said attacks and with Caleb still in the wind, there was no telling what his next move against them on Earth would be.

Ash and JJ had recovered from their age reversal with little to no physical changes apart from their powers being given a substantial boost thanks to their mother's Core energy now being a part of them both. Their Tools had also been returned to them but they now lacked the Ori crystals since their creator was no longer in a singular form to power them from.

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