Close Calls

6 1 0

3rd Person POV with Ash

A Short While Earlier...

*What about your sui-BZZT?!* Ash dropped her communicator in surprise at the sparks that came off it as the call got cut off.

"Nononononono!" She picked it back up once it stopped sparking and shook it desperately before yelping as she had to duck another blast before running again.

"Dad, where are you...?" She whispered to herself once she found another hiding place and looked up to see the tall shelves stacked with products and figured she could get a better vantage point from up there.

Once she finished stealthily climbing to the top, she finally got a count of how many pursuers there were; 6 and they all were patrolling around looking for her with the one with the scanner taking the lead.

"Any sign?"

"Negative, but communications between the two were confirmed to be severed."

"Good, continue the search, local authorities are still 10 clicks away and we have until they get here to retrieve it."

She heard two of them conversing, voices crackly from going through voice modulators, before they all split up again with three of them coming her way down below.

"Two can play that game..." Ash muttered indignantly as she looked around to see if any innocent bystanders were still nearby, thankfully they'd all evacuated, before she took her Kimoyo beads off and clenched her hands into fists as she concentrated on heating her hands, but the gamma radiation that paired with the heat sent out waves similar to EMP blasts.

The corner of her mouth twitched upward at the sound of the pursuers yelling out in pain as their comms shorted out and left them unable to comm each other, evidenced by one of them calling out,

"Comm system rendered offline."

Ash stood up before putting a hand in her pocket and rummaged a bit silently hoping 'please say I didn't forget it' before she found her insignia pin amidst the candy wrappers in her pocket and silently cheered before pinning it on the front of her t-shirt just as the other three pursuers, the ones with the scanner, regrouped with the first group as they questioned,

"Why didn't you report in?"

"Something took out our comms."

And Ash proceeded to do the same to the last three's comms as the one with the scanner growled,

"Or someone..."

Before holding up the scanner and it started beeping rapidly in Ash's general direction before they lifted it up to see her there.

"There she is!"

"Open fire!"

They all lifted their blasters to aim at her but she was one step ahead of them as she clapped her hands together before pushing them forward to send a wave of flames at them before jumping off the shelves.

In the split second she was falling, she tapped the pin on her chest and her suit formed around her before she lifted a fist up to aim for a ceiling light and activated her grappling line to swing from it and propel back down to the ground.

Once she landed in a pose similar to Nat's, she looked back to see that her fire blast had melted the front portions of her pursuers' guns and the scanner had been rendered useless thanks to the EMP waves.

"Ash!" She looked over at the sound of her name being called and saw Bruce a little ways away looking for her.

"Dad!" She yelled back but a clicking sound back in front of her drew her attention back to her pursuers and was horrified to see that one still had a large device that was aimed at Bruce.

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