"All" Is Explained?

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3rd Person POV

"Well this has been a meeting looong overdue..." Kryjer stood from his throne to fully reveal himself to the group; tall with taupe skin, grayish brown hair in a shaved buzz cut and goatee, and wearing a trenchcoat-like uniform over suit pants both where in dark red and black color schemes to match the rest of his soldiers but he wore what looked like technological enhancement gauntlets.

Despite being surrounded by armed soldiers, everyone raised their guards and were prepared to fight their way out of their situation when Kryjer raised his hands in a 'calm down' manner as he spoke again,

"Oh relax, I'm not going to hurt any of you."

"Really cause the whole 'sending soldiers to hunt and kill us wherever we are' kinda sends a mixed message!" Ash shouted at him but Zaruk placed a hand on her shoulder both to calm her down and to pull her backward as they walked forward with recognition in their eyes as they asked,


"Who?" JJ questioned and they replied,

"Nekry Jero was your mother's mentor..."

"'Nekry Jero?' Kryjer. Clever..." Ash sounded out and realized the two names made a portmanteau for his current alias before commenting sarcastically.

"Hold up, you're the one our mom was tryin' ta find when she found Earth?" JJ questioned accusingly, glaring unconvinced.

"A shameful move really..." Kryjer spoke in a faux victimized tone complete with a hand to his chest as he continued, "Forcing a young protege to hunt down her mentor simply because he had disagreed with the way things were back home."

*MROWRRR...!* (You were Jurhir'ed because of your corrupt ideology!) Gora hissed before growling as her fur puffed up and she bared her fangs jumping to stand protectively in front of the girls and the rest of the group.

"Ah Gora... it's been some time, hasn't it? I thought you perished after failing your former master and were left for dead on a perishing planet..."

Gora froze with her stance starting to waver making Rocket come up to her and hold one of her spines as JJ yelled up to him,

"What're you talkin' about?!"

"Oh your 'guardian' never told you about how she failed your mother's last wish when my former employer set to destroy our home?"

"Wait what?!"

"You worked with Thanos?!"

"You're a Chrysinthean?!"

At that one admission, suddenly everyone was questioning everything and Kryjer's eyebrow twitched before he shouted,


Effectively shutting everyone up, as he growled while pinching the bridge of his nose,

"Let's just start at the beginning shall we?"

He snapped and the soldiers surrounding the group spread out, their weapons still raised in case anyone tried to make a move but giving them a bit more room so a projection could be made above their heads.

"At the beginning of time, there was nothing but six singularities-"

The project showed the six singularities before-

"We've already heard this part if you could skip to something that isn't common knowledge." JJ butted in with an eye roll making Kryjer stop and huff through his nose, looking like his patience was about to snap, before he seethed,

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