38. Anette, Alexander, and Kristina

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Alexander knew he had to move fast. He hadn't even been sure that August would actually turn himself in considering how hard he'd worked to keep from accepting any responsibility up to that point. He didn't want to let his chance pass to have the school start an investigation on Simon before August's trial started and Simon became recognized as a victim.

He waited about thirty minutes after the police had taken August away then headed to the headmistress' office and knocked.

"Kom in!"

He opened the door and poked his head in.

"Eh, rektorn, can I speak with you a moment?

Anette was not happy to see Alexander. All of the trouble they'd had because of him last term and the deal they'd had to make with his parents to agree to overlook it made her uneasy around him.

"Of course, Alexander, how can I help you?" she sighed quietly and put down the application documents she'd started pretending to look over as soon as he knocked. "Please, have a seat." She stood up momentarily and gestured to the chair opposite her in front of her desk then sat back down.

Alexander sat down and pressed his palms together in front of him.

"I just wanted to tell you that the pills that were found in my backpack weren't mine. I've always said that, and I wasn't selling them, but I didnt know who brought them into the school. One of my classmates told me who got them, and said there should be a name on some of those bottles that proves where they came from."

Anette felt anxious and hadn't expected this conversation to take place so soon.

"Ah ha..." She attempted to look pensive.

"It was Simon Eriksson. His father is Micke Eriksson and his name should be on the bottles because Simon took them to sell at school."

Anette folded her hands on her desk and looked at Alexander, contemplating her next step carefully. She decided to let him continue and nodded slightly to encourage him.

"I want the school to look into it..and expel him. I got blamed for something he did and it's not right."

"Hmm..." She looked at the door as she pretended to be reflecting on what he'd said.

"Well, when you were stopped with the pills you never explained how you ended up with them in your possession in the middle of the night because you refused to cooperate. Then it was decided that no one, your parents least of all, wanted an open investigation into the incident, therefore the matter was dropped and we all decided to move on."

"I didn't know where they came from then. Now I know, and there's proof that Simon brought them into the school!"

"Unfortunately, Alexander, I don't know if there ever was a name on any of the pills, but they were disposed of once it was decided the incident wouldn't be investigated, at your parents' request. So...I'm sorry, but we can't make an accusation against a student with no proof."

Alexander's mouth fell open.

"I'm sorry, we thought it was best as we'd come to an agreement with your parents..." Anette tried to put on her best 'concerned mother' tone with him. "We thought it would be considered a display of good faith and a way of protecting you from any potential problems related to the pills later on."

"You...you...I'm gonna speak to my parents and their lawyers, and see what they have to say about it. My parents will ruin you!" He stood up suddenly, shoving the chair back and giving the headmistress a look of utter disdain. Then he walked over and threw the door open before stomping out.

Anette calmly walked to the door and closed it quietly before turning the key and returning to her desk.

________Twenty minutes earlier_______



"Yes. Your Majesty? I wasn't able to get any information from the police except that they've taken him to make a statement. I'm sorry."

"Never mind that. There's another matter I need to discuss with you."

"Ah...alright, please go ahead."

"Last term there was a drug incident at the school. I need you to assure me that all of the evidence of that incident is destroyed."

"Your Majesty, I don't know what you're-"

"Of course you know what I'm referring to, and you should know that this is extremely important and must be done right away if there is still any evidence."

"Ah, alright, yes, of course, Your Majesty."

"If you have any issues on this matter, feel free to call Jan Olof and he will communicate them to me. Goodbye, Anette."

The call disconnected and the headmistress put the phone down in its cradle. She opened the pen drawer that was just deep enough for the one pill bottle that remained, set on its side, to roll back and forth as she opened the drawer slowly.

She took the bottle in one hand, gripped a pair of scissors in the other, and used the blade to scratch out the name beyond recognition. Then she stood up and stowed the bottle in her purse to dispose of later.

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