41. Royal Palace (2)

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While they wound through the labyrinth of rooms he'd wanted to avoid, Wilhelm thought how he'd never bothered to describe to Simon exactly how opulent the home he grew up in was, and that maybe he should have, but he hadn't wanted to seem like he was bragging. Simon seemed fairly intimidated each time Wilhelm caught his eye.

Linda had been very complimentary and impressed with every single room, which didn't make Wilhelm feel much better but he started to get used to it in the end, and was sort of happy that she liked everything so much.

Her sunny disposition was endearing and made him want to smile whenever she was around, similarly to how he felt in Simon's presence he thought.

They finally arrived at the parlour where the Queen waited for them.

"Mamma, you know Simon....This is his mother, Linda." Wilhelm made introductions and instantly felt anxious again.

The Queen stood and approached Simon who took her hand and bowed with a 'How do you do?' Wilhelm thought how much his bow had improved since the last time he'd attempted one in front of the Queen, when it had turned into more of a half curtsy, and he smiled at Simon as he came back up.

Simon gave him an extremely nervous smile back and stepped to one side as Linda came forward and took the Queen's hand and gave sort of a curtsy as well.

She wasn't bothered that it wasn't perfect. It was the least of her concerns. She just wanted to compliment the Queen on her beautiful home, which she immediately began doing effusively. Wilhelm thought how truly bizarre this situation was. They were both just mothers anyway, but...his was also the monarch.

Kristina was very gracious as always, not necessarily welcoming or warm, however, and asked them to please have a seat on the sofa across from her chair.

Wilhelm asked if they'd like anything to drink and both refused, possibly concerned they might spill on the expensive silk rugs or sofa he thought. It wasn't cosy here by any means he knew. He sat down across from Simon and Linda in another chair.

The Queen looked at Wilhelm momentarily then slowly over to Simon and Linda.

"So...I think it's a good idea we get on the same page about the state of things."

Wilhelm felt tense immediately but he'd expected this conversation.

"We would have preferred for Wilhelm not to attend the hearing, but as he decided it was important, we allowed it. The only problem with that sort of exposure is that it now draws unnecessary attention to your relationship and to the Royal Family."

Wilhelm decided he needed to explain, "If I hadn't gone, it would have been like I was denying being in the video all over."

"Well, the result of this exposure is that now we've got others trying to take advantage of our vulnerable state for financial gain, and we need to be sure to protect ourselves appropriately. I'm sure you know what I'm referring to..."

Linda and Simon glanced at each other then looked back at the Queen and nodded but not confidently. Wilhelm's eyes flitted back and forth between them, then over to his mother.

"That's why we must discuss what the future will look like for the boys." She looked between the two of them for a moment as she left a pause for everyone to catch her meaning.

"Especially if you were to go your separate ways, we would need some assurance that Wilhelm's privacy would be protected."

Wilhelm frowned and looked up at his mother.

"You said we were going to talk about publicity and how we should deal with that. You didn't say anything about this."

"Now is a good time to take care of everything. His mother needs to give her permission anyway. Then we have other matters to discuss, so just let me get this unpleasant part out of the way."

"I didn't agree to this at all!" Wilhelm was getting more irate as they spoke, sitting forward on his chair leaning toward his mother who was sitting very properly with her ankles crossed and her hands folded on her lap as she spoke.

Linda felt awkward being spoken about in the third person as she was sitting right there.
She spoke up, interrupting suddenly.

"I'm sorry, you need my permission for what?" She looked back and forth between the two of them, furrowing her brow.

The Queen looked back to Linda and addressed her finally.

"We would like Simon to sign an NDA, with your permission. They're not always ironclad as we've seen recently but it would give us some assurance that, while they are together and after they might separate, any sensitive information would be legally protected."

"You want them to...I want nothing to do with this, just to make that clear. Simon, you don't have to sign anything." Wilhelm was livid.

"Ok....fine. I don't care." Simon sounded very sure of himself suddenly as he spoke directly to the Queen without faltering. "It goes without saying that I would never say anything about Wilhelm or the Royal Family while we're together or if we weren't together anymore, but I'll sign it to prove it if I have to. I'd never do anything to hurt Wille."

"Thank you for being reasonable." Kristina looked at Wilhelm who was still fuming but surprised at how quickly Simon had agreed to it. The Queen raised her eyebrows at him, then looked back to Simon and Linda.

Wilhelm began chewing the inside of his cheek and frowned at his mother, shaking his head slightly.

"Now for the next order of business..." Kristina hardly hesitated before moving on.

Wilhelm scoffed."Seriously? There's more?"

"You know there is, Wilhelm." She turned to Simon and continued immediately. "The most important concern we have regards the future heir to the throne. Surrogacy isn't a possibility as it's not legal. Adoption on the other hand, would be a valid means of providing an heir as there is already a precedent for it. I just thought you should be aware that this is the implication if Wilhelm is married to a man."

"Mamma! It's enough! Why are we talking about this?"

"It's important that everyone understand our dilemma here, Wilhelm. This relationship does create certain problems for us, and there's no point in misrepresenting it."

Simon looked down at his hands for a moment, considering the problems that he might be causing Wilhelm. Linda felt Simon suddenly shrink next to her and reached over to touch his arm tenderly. She moved slightly closer to comfort him. He looked up at Wilhelm who was practically enraged as he looked at his mother.

"It's not the relationship that creates the problem. It's the rigidness of the Royal Family. I'm never going to be with a woman, so you may as well stop mentioning it." Wilhelm stood up suddenly.
"I think that's enough for today. We should go."

He looked expectantly at Simon who stood and helped his mother up as well.

They bid the Queen goodbye and thanked her. She had a stern expression but managed to hide her displeasure at Wilhelm's outburst. It was understood that Simon and his mother would be contacted again in regards to the non-disclosure agreement, and they followed Wilhelm out to the main entrance.

Wilhelm hugged Linda who told him it would be alright as she squeezed then patted his arm encouragingly.

Wilhelm walked around the car with Simon where he hugged Simon tightly and kissed him quickly once they pulled away. They held their heads close together for a moment as they talked.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know she planned to say all that."

"It's ok, Wille. I know it's not your fault. It'll be ok." He smiled weakly at Wilhelm and touched his nose to Wilhelm's forehead before kissing it.

They released each other from the embrace and Simon said "We'll see each other at school tomorrow." Wilhelm nodded silently.

Wilhelm stayed on the steps watching them drive away and feeling an emptiness of which he perfectly understood the cause. He was standing in front of the house he'd grown up in, but he was watching his home get farther and farther away.

He finally turned and headed back inside once there was no longer a trace of the car.

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