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You were lying on the couch and Loki was in the kitchen when you suddenly felt a sharp pain in your stomach.

'Loki!' You shout as he runs into the room.

'What's wrong?' He asks

'Urghh, somethings wrong I -I don't feel good. Mhhahh. Ahhh urgh.' You scream grabbing your stomach. Loki quickly comes over to your holding your hands.

'Is it the baby, what's wrong?' Loki asks. Suddenly you feel something drip down your thigh and your face goes pale.

You look down to see your thighs dripping blood. Loki looks down as well and sees.

'No no no no no!' You cry grabbing your thighs blood over your hands, dress and the couch. 'No no no no no baby, our baby, no.' You shout as Loki gently hugs you knowing what this means. Loki used his magic to give you an ultrasound like projection to check on your baby. But there was no heart beat.

Loki held you cry as you colapsed into his arm sobbing. Loki began to softly cry too trying not to show how sad he was. He knew it would be ok but he felt worse for you. Both of you were looking forward to this baby and when the due date came there would be nothing to show for it. There would be no baby.

You laid there for ages in silence comforting each other after tloki cleaned up the blood when suddenly you felt contractions. Your heart dropped and Loki helped you too the toilet. You began to bleed more and more, passing clots. You could feel yourself dialtating and had the urge to push. You knew there was nothing else you could do, you had to give birth to your unalive child. Loki cupped his hands underneath you crying as you pushed your baby out. Then you soon pushed out the placenta and held your baby for a little knowing that your baby was dead.


The ambulance came and took care of the baby and yourself and Loki stayed by your side the entire time.


Once it was all over you laid down on your bed with Loki holding you close, you were exhausted but didn't want to sleep. You were so excited for your baby, but you didn't even get to keep it.
'Darling I am so so sorry, you did really well, you were so brave I'm really proud of you.' Loki whispers.

'I don't really know what to think or say, I guess I just don't believe it.' You say.

'That's ok love. It must be so hard for you I cannot imagine what it's like but I will be here for you all the way.' Loki replies. He slowly runs your stomach placing small kisses on it. Loki began to cry with you placing his hand on your stomach and his head on your chest. 'It's ok darling it's going to be ok. I'm really proud of you. It must be so hard for you. Don't worry, you feel, let it all out.' Loki whispers as you cry squeezing your hand.

'I-I can't believe I lost him. He- uh, he was a boy. Our boy, I lost him. I don't know what I did? Did we do something wrong. Poor baby he should of had a life with us. I mean I don't know how to feel? How do I grive a child, my child, I never met?' You sob.

'It's ok, take your time we're going to get through this together, your so strong and I will be here the whole time. I know it's hard try to get some sleep and we can take things slowly. This isn't the end for us and our baby I promise. If you don't want another one that's fine. We don't have to have this all figured out yet. You take your time and take whatever you need ok?' Loki chokes out tears streaming down his face.

'Ok.' You answer. Cuddling up to Lokis chest you slowly fall asleep to the sound of his breathing. Loki makes sure your asleep before falling asleep, prepared to wake up if you need him.

Loki x Yn imagines/ oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now