Bad day

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'Hey darling how was work?' Loki asks as you walk through the door.

'It was- god it was shit.' You say putting down your bag and taking off your work shoes.

'Poor baby.' Loki says softly putting down the book he was reading.

'Touch.' You whisper.

'You want touch?' Loki asks knowing what you mean. You find it hard to ask for affection but Loki is trying to help you understand there is nothing wrong with it.

You nod as Loki walks towards you wrapping his arms around your waist pulling you closer to him. You sniffle into his shirt holding back tears.

'It's ok bubs I'm here, everything's going to be ok. I'm here darling.' Loki whispers running his fingers through your hair. 'Do you want to talk about it?' He asks.

'Not really it was just really stressful, you know?' You answer softly.

'Yea I do, that's ok. What do you want to do?' Loki replies.

'I just want touch.' You whisper. Your love language is physical touch but you don't really know how to express that.

'That's ok, I'm right here, I'm not going anywhere.' Loki carries you over to the couch and you both lay down as he holds you in his arms placing soft kisses on your temple.

'I love you darling.' Loki whispers

'I love you more.' You reply.

'Not possible.' He answers pulling you close his cool fingers tracing down your back sending shivers up your spine. He gently massages your shoulder blades kissing your neck. Tears start to form in your eyes and slowly stream down your face. 'Poor baby, it will be ok, I understand it's a bit stressful right now, but I'm here. Your going to be ok, and I can help you with anything you need. Your not alone. I'm here with you, don't let this worry you.' Loki says.

'Thanks Loki.' You whisper back kissing his forehead. Your breathing slows and your not longer crying. You focus on the rise and fall of his chest with yours and you slowly fall asleep.

Loki x Yn imagines/ oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now