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"no way guys my mom will kill me" Tracy storms into the room seeing us smoke a cigarette.

"she smokes" Evie says while Tracy takes it from my hand.

"no shit the same brand." Tracy gives us a sarcastic smile whipping herself onto the bed.

"No shit" I say grabbing it once again from the nightstand.

I know it's not my house I should listen to her but when a girl needs to smoke she needs to smoke.

Tracy gives me a very sturn glare when she hears Mel coming closer, she grabs it from me so fast hiding it until Mel walked away "here since you want it so bad" shoving it in my face.

"Look what I got from the tattoo shop" the blonde states putting a belly button ring in front of our faces.

Evie and I look at eachother and smile "Let's do it right now"

We decided to have Evie pierce Tracy's belly button, My hand was to shaky from the lack of sleep, eating oh and weed.

"This is probably gonna hurt worse then you're tounge" Evie tells Tracy while getting on top of her.

She stares at the girl for a moment before grabbing my hand "I don't give a shit just do it"

Evie puts the needle in the position and before she pushes it even farther Tracy starts screaming in pain.

"Oh shit!" I looked down at Tracy's stomach seeing blood.

"Fuck my life!" Evie shouts before running out of the bedroom to go get a towel.

"Tracy you're fine promise, mkay?" I try and calm the girl down waiting for Evie to get back.

"Everything ok Evie" I hear Mel shout from across the hall.

"Uh yep we just spilled a coke Mel" Evie tried to lie but kept stuttering.

Evie likes to pretend she's such a great liar and she gets away with so much but in the past couple of weeks I can see right through her. She's a just a hurt girl who puts up an act so people don't see how hurt she actually is.

We got Tracy all cleaned up and for the rest of the day we tried our hardest to stay in her room so no one could see how much pain she was actually in.

"You know it's cool you guys aren't afraid of needles." Evie broke the silence "we can go and get tattoos, more piercings" she giggled at us.

We all smile at eachother, I think we realized in that moment how close we had gotten in just a couple of weeks. Then knocks start coming from the door, I throw the blanket over me and Tracy trying to hide her stomach.

"I've got a surprise!" Mel swings the door open with a smile.

She comes closer into the room finally revealing what she had behind her back, "I sewed on the leopard fur!" She had a huge smile on her face.

I thought the pants were pretty fucking cute and I thought how much time Mel must've put into that, Claire would never do something like that for me.

"The fur was thicker at Red Balls" is all Tracy said to Mel, I gave her a very off glare that I don't think she saw. "They're really cute Mel" I say tying to make her feel better.

"Yeah these are tight Mel" Evie joined in.

"Thanks guys! and it only costed six bucks" She tells us, "Tracy tomorrow you gotta sit down and do all you're homework, maybe you could go to Noel's you know she's been calling." Mel continues.

Noel had been calling for weeks Evie and I saw Tracy either look at the phone and let it ring or completely just hang up.

"I know mom, I know" Tracy spoke up with an attitude.

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