The House That Jack Built (2018)

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The House That Jack Built is a 2018 psychological horror slasher film written and directed by Lars von Trier

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The House That Jack Built is a 2018 psychological horror slasher film written and directed by Lars von Trier. It stars Matt Dillon, Bruno Ganz, Uma Thurman, Siobhan Fallon Hogan, Sofie Gråbøl, Riley Keough, and Jeremy Davies. Its plot follows Jack (Dillon), a serial killer who, over a 12-year period from the late 1970s into 1980s, commits numerous murders in the U.S. state of Washington. Utilizing Dante's Inferno as a metatext,[5] the film is structured as a series of flashback vignettes relayed by Jack to the Roman poet Virgil, during which Jack attempts to make an argument for his crimes.
- Wikipedia

This movie is NOT for the fainted heart. It is VERY disturbing, to say the least. Too much graphic contents. It kept me on the edge of my seat the entire time. Some of the killing scenes are just way too difficult to watch especially the death scene of the mother and sons. So heartbreaking. How could anyone hurt innocent and defenseless kids? Unless they're heartless psychopaths. The way the serial killer messed up the little boy's (Grumpy's) angelic face was VERY inhumane and so barbaric. Disgusting monster!

That face would surely give me nightmare for days to come, and traumatize me for the rest of my miserable life, thanks to this movie

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That face would surely give me nightmare for days to come, and traumatize me for the rest of my miserable life, thanks to this movie.

Jack was a deranged, mentally unstable person with horrible and depraved philosophies. He liked art, especially photography, and seemed to be obssessed with the thing he called "dark light" that the negatives in the camera films produce. He loved posing dead bodies for his collection of photographs. What a savagery! He was not a human but a monster. And also, this monster was also suffering from OCD. Was a perpectionist, too. He wanted everything to be perfect and neat. The scene where Jack kept returning to the crime scene again and again to wipe the blood clean (it was obvious that he was just being paranoid as ever) was intense and a truly effective way of showing how extreme his OCD was. Perpectly portrayed the disorder. He was clever, too, the way he cleared his way out of the suspicious cop. Almost all serial killers are calculative and smart, unfortunately.

I don't know if I can watch this movie again. There are just so many brutal scenes that are too hard to digest, even for a horror addict like me. The serial killer Mr. Sophistication was a total evil incarnated. A devil in human form devoid of any empathy and compassion. I don't believe in a place called Hell, but I do wish there is one for an abomination like him. What happened to him in the ending suited him well. Good riddance for a VERY bad rubbish! Hope Hell's hot enough for him.

Imagine yourself simply walking home from work, tired but fulfilled, thinking about your family and love ones, or excited for your plans next week, etc. And then suddenly, in the blink of an eye, you're now dead because some mentally unstable son of a bitch just run over you as if you're nothing but an insect. Killed you without remorse. With no apparent reason, whatsoever. How pointless is that, huh? Is there really a God? If so, then He is being useless as ever. Praying is useless, I guess. Or maybe you forgot to pray the day you died? Therefore, no prayer no guidance from Him? Wonderful! No wonder I'm an atheist. Movies like this always get the beast in me. Always ignite my distrust of my neighbors and mostly strangers. But in the lighter side of it, this kind of movies also helps me to be always aware of my surrounding, to be more cautious, to be wary all the time and not be too trustful to anyone. Better be paranoid and cynical than be sorry and dead, huh? Anyone could kill you. Even your brother or mother. Anyone could be your killer. Even yourself.

The ending of this movie is kinda confusing to me. I don't know what really happened to Jack a.k.a. Mr. Sophistication. Was all of his underground "journey" only a delusion? Did the cop successfully apprehend him inside the walking freezer? Did he fatally shoot Jack. Or did Jack somehow die while trying to escape by jumping off the hole inside the despicable "house that he built"? Did he drown under the hole? Maybe? Or maybe not because he was narrating the story up until the end? A dead man can't possibly narrate his story, can he? Was he a ghost, then? Damn, the ending is too complicated to interpret just like my ex.

All the killing scene in this movie are very disturbing and heart-wrenching, but it's a good thing that they are all just fictional. And Mr. Sophistication, too. Kudos to the writer(s) for the superb (and disturbing, of course) storyline, and the actors/actresses who did a great job portraying their characters. Especially Matt Dillon as Jack. I really hated his character in this movie, and that's a compliment. He really nailed his role. I'm so glad he is not like that in real life. I guess. Well, who know, right? Ha-ha!


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