Friend Request (2016)

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Friend Request (released internationally as Unfriend) is a 2016 English-language German supernatural psychological horror film directed by Simon Verhoeven

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Friend Request (released internationally as Unfriend) is a 2016 English-language German supernatural psychological horror film directed by Simon Verhoeven. The film was released in Germany on January 7, 2016 and received generally unfavourable reviews from critics.
- Wikipedia


Honestly, I don't know what to say about this movie. It has a lot of jumpscares and creepy scenes. And lots of blood, too. It's a not-so-bad horror movie, but definitely not the one that I would like to watch again.

Marina, the villain of this movie, was a lonely introvert girl who dressed and acted weird (and she had no eyebrows, too!) She was a social outcast on their campus. She seemingly got infatuated by Laura, her popular classmate who had over 800 followers/friends on her social account (unlike Marina with zero friends). Marina got obsessed with Laura that she stalked her online, and even befriended her in real life (not to mention she sent the girl a friend request, too, and so the title) They were now friends online and in real life.

Marina was so obsessed with Laura. She wanted to chat with her all the time, and also wanted to be with her, which was quite impossible because Laura had a boyfriend. She was getting more and more demanding as days went by. In my honest opinion, I think Laura's friend were quite insensitive for advising her to start avoiding Marina. Marina was truly a lonely girl with mental issue. She needed help, not prejudice.

But things went from bad to worse when Laura got fed up by Marina's constant messaging and harassment that she unfriended her online. Marina got extremely mad, and took her own life the following day.

I don't know. The storyline is just too corny for me. I mean, it is so senseless and pointless. Why would Marina, or whatever her true name was, wanted Laura to be "lonely"? I mean, what would be the point? Why not just kill Laura and be done with it? Or better yet, give Laura a despicable skin disease that would eventually make her look like Gollum that no one, not even her own mother, would even dare go anywhere near her again. That would be a very lonely kind of fate. Why kill Laura's friends? What was Marina thinking?

See? The story is so pointless it is almost laughable. Seriously, there are more terrible things that could happen to anyone in this fucked up world than being rejected by a friend. Marina should get a life and stop acting like a spoiled child. But sadly, she just did the opposite. She commited suicide by hanging and burning herself, while also recording the act. And then all hell broke loose.

Imagine me rolling my eyes while watching the scenes where their laptops, and even their smartphones, seemingly became defected for some unknown reason. And sure enough, Laura couldn't delete her posts on her social media account (fb?), let alone delete the said account. How powerful was Marina now that she was dead? Even beyond grave, she was truly dedicated to make Laura's life a living hell (What a wonderful friend, huh?) Marina could be a valuable asset of Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg in terms of internet phishings and hackings. But Marina was dead, and no ghost needs money for a living, obviously, so no go, Joe.

Anyway, it was revealed in the middle of the story that Marina was somehow connected to an occult practicing witchcraft, and she was a daughter of one of its member who was then one of those that have been burned in a fire incident. It was also hinted that Marina possessed a supernatural power; She could command a swarm of deadly insect, specifically, wasp. And while she was in her younger years, two of her bully classmates were found dead, their faces almost completely gone, eaten by countless wasps. They were both twelve year-old boys who were physically abusing Marina for years (and seemingly sexually abusing her, too:  a scene was shown where the two boys were forcing Marina on the bathroom floor and then finally closing the door shut.)

Almost everyone around Laura was being killed by some supernatural entity that was obviously Marina in her spirit form. They were being killed mercilessly, just like that, for a very dumb and single-minded purpose: to make Laura "lonely". Duh! Like I said, why kill them? But then again, since this is a horror movie, I guess the director or even the writers felt it was necessary that lots of blood must be added in the story. Lots of killings, too. After all, horror movies should always contain bloody scenes and murder, right? Right?

1) Don't unfriend an emo especially if she has no eyebrows.
2) If you want to look like an emo, wear a black hoodie.
3) Always remind your new girl friends you love them by bombarding their inboxes with sweet messages more than their boyfriends do.


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