Charlie's Farm (2014)

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Charlie's Farm is a 2014 Australian slasher film written and directed by Chris Sun about the violent history of Charlie's Farm brutally brought to life when four horror seeking youths stumble across a legend that refuses to die

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Charlie's Farm is a 2014 Australian slasher film written and directed by Chris Sun about the violent history of Charlie's Farm brutally brought to life when four horror seeking youths stumble across a legend that refuses to die. The film stars Tara Reid, Nathan Jones, Allira Jaques, Bill Moseley, Kane Hodder, Dean Kirkright and Sam Coward.
- Wikipedia

Cliché storyline. Mediocre acting. So many plot-holes. I mean, what positive could I say about this slasher movie, beside it being true to it's intended genre, a slasher?

The four characters were uninteresting as well as unlikeable. They were so poorly-written and underdeveloped that I couldn't even give a damn whether they live or die in this movie (though I almost already knew they are all going to die in the end).

So Charlie's Farm was actually a place in that small town, and it's townspeople avoided that place because of its dark history of violence and murder. But it seemed like it also tend to attrack stupid youths who love to venture scary places just for the thrill of it. And the officials couldn't do anything to stop it. I love how city folks and out-of-towners almost always never listen to the local warnings.

Honestly, sometimes I really couldn't give a damn about characters that were apparently begging to be killed in broad daylight. They had it coming. And what am I supposed to do when they eventually die? Cry for them because they were stupid enough to not know any better? On the other hand, I am quite sympathetic toward Charlie. He have had a terrible life as a disfigured orphan secretly living beneath their farm. At least he was retarded. Retarded ones tend to make stupid decisions.

I find it difficult to digest that Charlie's Farm was still almost in pristine condition despite it being abandoned for many years. I mean, the grasses were not that tall, the house and even the barn were still not crumbled to pieces (vandals might not be existing on this story, I guess). And by the way, owning over a thousand acres of land means they were rich, right? So what could possibly have happened that made the entire family go crazy and kill people unlucky enough to wander near their place?

When two more youths, probably a couple, joined the quadrio to their venture in Charlie's Farm, I thought to myself, "Great! More stupid people for Charlie to kill." And I was so right. The more the merrier.

And, wait a minute, did the guy that was calling Jason a while ago miraculously just arrive in Charlie's Farm, in the very spot where Jason and Natashia were hiding? Right place at the right time, huh? Well, kinda, but not really because it cost him his life, anyway. And by the way, how did he manage to drive through all those locked gates? Or did our good boy Charlie gave him the keys? Whatever. The same with Mr. Old Cop, who conveniently appeared out of nowhere when Natashia was trying to climb her way up the hole. Mr. Old Cop also managed to drive through those wooden gates. Perhaps he just simply crashed his way in? Who knows? The script-writer of this story knows, of course.

But to be fair, I was amazed by the special effects in this film. The gore were ample. The brutality of every murder scenes were surprisingly realistic; The truck tire crashing the head, the beheading, the ripping of the jaw. Gosh, even for a horror buff like me, those were cold.

Charlie's appearance were truly hideous in this film. Much better than that "terrifying" monster in Jeepers Creepers Reborn. But on second thought, if Charlie's spine was as deformed as they portrayed when he was still a young boy, he would have never been able to grow into such a ravaging, strong, and mascular beast. But who knows? He must have underwent a couple of therapy session or something all those years.

Overall, I think this movie is not that bad and still enjoyable if you're looking for something really dumb to watch, especially if you're suffering from insomnia.


1) When someone tells you don't go there, you should probably listen and go the other way.
2) When you are out there and away from your home, don't be ignorant. Not even slightly.
3) Act smart when you are in real danger. Don't be like the characters in this story.


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