Vivid Imagery

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I can feel my heartbeat steady as the sun's warmth kindly embraces me. It shines like my daydreams. The ones I've had about merging with the light and the heat. Dreams about being surrounded by vibrant colored flowers that kiss my senses with a delightful aroma.

I've dreamt of a place where I can peacefully float through endless blue skies. The clouds would caress my body and whisper scandalous secrets into my ears.

Euphoria is dancing in my cup. Peace has become the freshly ground herbs I invite into my temple. I am forever chasing that feeling of being weightless.

I can't help but drown myself in silence when the voices inside get loud and detailed. I dare not speak when I have been sentenced to life in prison for the chronically guilty. I can't make sense of the pain. The lines between fact and fiction are blurry.

The vivid imagery haunts me. So many detailed recollections of events I'd kill to leave behind. The ghosts follow me everywhere I turn. Their voices sound so much like people I used to know.

It isn't that I am holding onto the past, but rather the past refuses to let go of me. I don't believe that it can. Not when the past is the scars that decorate my skin. Not when the past is unwanted hands that have explored private property. In short-lived moments I find peace, but it is constantly interrupted by arguments I thought I'd forget about.

What if this is what kills me? I'm a lover. Not a fighter, but my love has been tainted and torn. It has been swallowed and burned. People like me were not built to carry shame to this degree.

My time to be happily naive has come to an end. I lost my blissful ignorance. Simplicity is more complicated than I had anticipated. I used to wish that I was blind. Believing that a world that I couldn't see was a world that I was always meant to be a part of. It seemed like a safer place, but now I feel that it would be more of a punishment. I would be fully submerged in the false reality behind my eyes that tug on my will to continue. Not even in my subconscious do I find clarity and serenity. The demons have taken residence in my brain.

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