vii. A worm in love with a star

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2016, APRIL 11.

Namor treasured every moment he spent with the young princess as if it were his last. He relished the way her eyes lit up every time she started talking about one of her new discoveries, or the books she seemed to voraciously devour. He loved the way she listened to every word that came out of his mouth with such curiosity. The list went on and on each time he had the privilege of laying his eyes on her. With each passing day, he felt his heart swell with a feeling that he had finally stopped calling a parasite, and that inhibited his thoughts day and night. Rest had become foreign to him since he had met her, no day going by without her smile appearing in the recesses of his brain. His mind was entertained to play with him, making him see her in simple things that he was used to looking at without much thought, recalling having wondered what she would have thought of the arrangements that had been made around his throne.

He felt himself going insane, and the very idea made him laugh at the irony of the situation. Here he was, regularly coming to the surface because he couldn't help but want to spend time with a princess who had deftly melted the ice around his heart as if removing the thorns of a rose. And even their daily trysts weren't enough for him, Namor wanted to see her constantly, to feel her vanilla scent of jasmine notes filling his mind, to feel the warmth of her body against his. But even that didn't seem to be enough, he lacked the words, even the thoughts to express how much he needed her by his side.

She drives me crazy.

The steady movement of her lips indicated that she was talking to him, but at that very moment it was as if he heard nothing. The little things he liked about her made him want to laugh so much for he had never imagined thinking such things before. How could he explain to someone he found cute the way she buried her feet in the sand every time? Or even explain to himself that the way the light made her skin glow diffused that now familiar warmth in his stomach, stirring his thoughts to an unexpected degree.

What has she done with me?

K'uk'ulkan, all-powerful and undisputed god among his people. He had merely become a worm in love with a star.

In his four hundred and forty-five years on earth he had seen many women. It was no secret that these relationships had never gone beyond mere carnal desire. Not only had the universe, the gods, decided to show him that he could find something else in the arms of a woman, but this desire seemed to want to suffocate him now. His whole being was straining not to be the first to give in, because he wanted her to fall first, to be the one to start begging him to end this dangerous game they had been playing. But he was failing miserably, the mere sight of her thighs through the slits of her dress being enough to set his mind on fire.

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