✳Warm, soft, and blue✳

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Several hours have passed since you fell down the stairs. Mugman and you were sitting on the couch and listening to the radio. You two at least made an effort. The radio signal was completely murky as the snowstorm grew worse. So you two just curled up on the blue blanket he had previously given you. You two largely spoke about the past. like how Cuphead nearly fell victim to the devil. Mugman mentioned Ms. Chalice as well. Sincerely, all you did was listen to the mug ramble endlessly. Even if you enjoyed listening to him, he never stopped. You found it to be cute. You even realized that you were once again hooked on him.

"Y/n, your staring again. ha-"

The Mug spoke. Your attention on him caused him to blush. A moment later, you immediately start apologizing. To indicate that everything was fine, the mug merely waved his hand. He moved toward you, getting closer. When the mug moved closer towards you, you noticed that you were blushing. You grinned, assuming he was chilly. though you hoped he was getting closer because he wanted to be closer to you. not just because he was cold.

You had a strong need to encircle him. The same thing was done, with his head resting on your shoulder. Your face started to flush. You to were literally cuddling, and he was so near to you that it warmed your heart. you wondered What was going through his head. You enjoyed the sensation of his being so near to you. It would be better if you slept. nonetheless, you heard the mug mutter something before you did.

"hey, y/n, i have a question"

The mug muttered. He gave you an even closer arm embrace. even though he avoided making eye contact. Before answering, he considered how he would ask. as you asked, "What's the question?" He then exhaled deeply before asking.

"I know this is a ridiculous question and outta the blue, but how can you tell whether you love somebody?"

You were caught off guard by the question. Even if you weren't sure yourself, it seemed unusual. But now that you think about it, you do believe you could have become a little fond of the mug. So perhaps you should kind of respond to him how you feel. Obviously, without telling him you believe you could like him. You two haven't been friends for very long, and you weren't sure he felt the same way about you.

"I'm entirely sure, but I do know that being near them makes you happy or that your heart starts to beat erratically."

You responded. The Mug put his hand on his chest to feel his heartbeat, and you watched him do it. He seemed surprised. He leaned quietly down on your shoulder after that. When he rested his head on you, you could feel your heart begin to beat erratically as well. You wished The mug was unaware. According on what you just told him, it could be obvious. Although it was clear from the way he looked that he was aware. You noticed that you were getting anxious.

"I think I love somebody then."

Mugman spoke. When he stated that, you had a sorrowful surge in your heart. You hoped he was referencing you. You did realize that he was lying next to you, hugging. Therefore, you also felt a ping of hope in your heart. more like a mixture of conflicting feelings. Although you were also interested in who it may be...


I'm kinda just writing this to write it, I have no ideas to be honest, if your reading this just bare with me jhrkhguiw

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