❅Soft Tone❅

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You awaken to the sensation of a hand in yours. You recall being outside in the bitter cold. before you entirely passed out, you heard a voice. You can now feel the warmth of a fire and a mug in your palm. As Mugman continued to hold your hand while reading a book, you felt your eyelids open. You continue to be silent there. You just realized you were focused on the mug. Had he once more rescued you from the cold? You definitely ought to pay back this mug at some point, you thought. even if you weren't sure how you would go about it. The mug looks over to see you awake and you lose your gaze. His expression was grave.

"oh! y/n your alright! are you ok?"

The Mug enquired in a worried manner. The idea that Mugman cares so much for you made you feel a bit flush. In answer, you nodded to let Mugman know everything was fine. Mugman was seen to sigh with relief. Then you realize He has released his hold on your hand. You immediately reached out to take his hand. When Mugman gave you an Ahw look and you felt your face flush once again, you panicked and let go of his hand.

"o-oh I'm s-sorry!"

You felt ashamed and apologized. Mugman grinned a little before reaching out to take your hand once again. It was clear that the Mug himself didn't know what he was doing. but you grinned in return and tightened your hold on his hand. You had the want to fix your gaze on his. He followed suit, and you two made eye contact. You rubbed the Mug's cheek as you sat up straight with your free hand on his face. His face became red with embarrassment.

"you know, your absolutely adorable.~"

You unintentionally let out the sentence. even though it came out of your mouth, it was an inside idea. Your cheeks started to flush. Mugman wasn't any different. He had a deeper blush than you did. The Mug started to grab your face gently. Your faces started to draw nearer to one another. You believed that time was moving rapidly. You never imagined this would occur in a million years. But as the mug's lips brushed against yours, your train of thought was interrupted. The kiss was gentle. You both exchanged glances as you parted ways.

"o-oh wow"

The first to speak was Mugman. His expression was one of both amazement and relief. You were identical. Unable to comprehend what had just happened, you touched your lips. You two may have only met today, yet it seemed like fate as you both glanced at one other. He had twice saved your life in a single night. The only words that came out of your mouth since you didn't know exactly what to say were.

"s-so uh-hum."

You gave Mugman a question expression. Mugman was aware of your concern, but he was unsure of how to reply. Instead, he offered you a cup of hot chocolate that he had earlier made and leaned over you to get it. You graciously took a taste of the chocolate. Still hot, in fact. After that, you turned to face Mugman in expectation of his response.

The mug looked at you, trying to come up with how to response..

⁂Snowstorm⁂  (♥Mugman x reader♥)Where stories live. Discover now