November's End

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Hailee's POV

Today is November 30th, my boyfriend Cameron Smoller and I have been dating for two years now but that is going to end today. Cameron is on his way here after I messaged him that we need to talk. I found out from Ella that he was at a club with his tongue down some blonde bimbo's throat. That is why I'm on our shared couch waiting for him to get home. I have already packed my bags to move home with my parents. I hear the jingle of keys before the door opens and Cameron walks in.

"Hey baby, you okay?" The cheater asks before walking over to me and kissing my cheek. He sits beside me putting his arm around the back of the sofa.

"Who is she?" I turn to look at him. He gives me the fakest confused face.

"Who is who?" Does this bitch think I'm stupid?

"Ella told me. You said you were going out with the guys. So who is the bimbo's throat your tongue was down?" he sighs before shaking his head and standing up.

"She isn't anyone, we were just talking" he begins to pace as I stand up.

"Yeah right, just admit it Cameron. You cheated so who is she?" He turns around to look at me, anger written on his face.



"I can't do this. You're crazy"

"Just tell me who she is Cameron"

"IT WAS KYLIE" I look at him in shock.

"What?" Tears begin to fill my eyes.

"It was Kylie Jenner but it didn't mean anything" He grabs my wrists but I pull away.

"Don't touch me. I'm leaving. We're done" I walk to the door before he stands in my way.

"Baby please we can work past this"

"No we can't. Goodbye Cameron"

I walk out of the house with my bags, Griffin and my dad are gonna get the rest of my stuff later. As I drive away from the home I shared with my now ex-boyfriend I let the tears fall. I turn on the radio it was another 30 minutes to go until I get near my parents house, the song 'All I Want For Christmas Is You' plays through the speakers. I sing along to the songs that come on the radio before turning off the engine as I arrive in my parents driveway. I grab my bags from the trunk of the car before entering my parents home.

"Mom, Dad. I'm here" I shout as I don't see them anywhere downstairs.

"We're upstairs sweetie" My mom shouts back. I walk upstairs, dropping my stuff in my room before going into my parents.

"Hey sweetie. You doing okay?" My dad asks as he hugs me and kisses my head.

"I really loved him. Guess I'm single again for Christmas" I sigh looking at the suitcases on the bed.

"Where are you guys going?" My parents look at each other before my mom sits beside me.

"Well sweetie, me, your dad and Griffin are going to Ireland for Christmas this year"

"But we always have Christmas here"

"We know sweetie but we thought it would be nice for a change. You can come with us if you want" I start to think about it. A new tradition isn't that bad plus I need a break from life here after the breakup. I haven't had a muse for music since 'I Love You's'. But I also love it here and the thought of being somewhere else instead of at home for Christmas is scary in a way. Yet there is something nagging at me to go.

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