i just made this up

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Uzi narration: so i was relaxing in my weapon room when suddenly N and V walk in with a corpse in hand

Uzi: yo... Why you bringing dead corpses into my room
N: well this isnt just any dead corpse... Its J corpse
Uzi: and?
V: we want you to fix her
Uzi: uhhhh idk i might not even able to do that, most of the parts are missing and this body is missing a core... And it looks like a scrap metal... Is it even safe to bring whoever this is back?
N: well... I know J is a verry mean person but I'm sure if we reason with her than maybe she can changed too
Uzi: mh
V: aww c'mon plzzzzzz
Uzi: on 1 condition
N: what is it?
Uzi: bring me everything on this list, its all the parts i need to repair her, idk how munch i can do to fix her but i can try, as long as i have these part i can have a high chance in fixing her
N: yay! Got it!
Uzi: hold it. On no circumstances are you allowed to attack anyone to get these parts, is that clear? Just ask them nicely
N: don't worry we got it

And they left in a dash, now I'm left with a corpse in my room, i put it on the surgery table and start to fix or repair what has been really damaged which is literally everything, im surprised the body and head still look good as new, as soon as i finish replacing and fixing some parts N and V barged in with the parts

N: we got them!
Uzi: out them on the ground and wiat outside, this looks weird and takes a really long time to do so i need privatesy
V: what? Boooooooooo
N: can't we stay and help
Uzi: nope I'll be fine on my own, you 2 can go grab some oil and wiat, I'll fix your friend

They finally left and i start witch replacing the head part, the visor is fine but its bottom part is all cracked and broke so fixing some wires inside and connecting the head piece back together, it looks good as new, no for the wings, its all scratched, broke and damaged so i need to take a torch to fix it, basicly just take it and lit the parts where its all badly marked and patch it up than reconnect it to the back, for the body i just needed to reattached the arms, legs and the head back on and maybe fix some part on the back than put in the replacement core and she should be good as new, took me 2 hours to do so but i did it, i laid the body down on the table and put in the core to it respectful place, now all i need to do is charge her up and she's ready to go

N narration:
Its been 5 hours and Uzi still hasnt come out from her lab... I hope she's ok, it was a surprised for me when V ask me to request Uzi to fix J even tho knowing thats a bad idea, i had to accept the request, she seem to really want J back so when Uzi call us in to see the result of fixing J, we we're surprised, she did a really good job, J looks as good as new, J visor has the word "reboot" and "restarting" on it and than she finally woke up, she look around for a second and got angry immediately

J: you! Come here-
Uzi: sleep tight

Uzi took a guitar and knock J out

V: pffftt- didnt you just fix her?
Uzi: i did, she just needs a good jab in the head

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