dead chase

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It all started in a unknown place that seems like where office workers do their job, it was quiet and dark, the place seemed to had been abandoned for some time now, suddenly the lights flickered and all the lights turned off, only 1 computer remains on, it's light showing a scared worker drone hidden under a desk, she checks to see if anything is there, she could only see a fellow worker drone on the ground, freeze in position and seems to be loading their system, she tries to quietly crawl over to them, but than a creature steps up from the shadows, the drone still trying to get her friend, notice something moving in the shadows, turns and see blue flashing lights, scared for her life, she tries to drag her friend from the ground into hiding, when she hid in her spot, she try to reach for her friend to save them but just than the creature came and killed them, she quickly hides and cover her mouth, than there was a blue light shining over the walls that keeps her hidden, she looks up and that creature was looking right at her with the blue light, desperate she tries to escape but with 1 flash the creature freeze her in the spot and goes to kill her, this was all captured on a security camera footage.

Back to where we left off, Uzi and friends catched up with Doll, seeing that she's with a human and J, N steps up in confusion

N: Tessa...?
Tessa: N!! You remember- *cough* t-tall... Handsome... And toxic air... Hm? And who's this?

Tessa pointed at Uzi and Uzi gladly bites her fingers

Tessa: argh! Oww!
Uzi: the named Uzi, and why are you here human. And you... Really getting tired of seeing this 1...
J: hmp... Effective drones are cloned morons
V: classic J
N: ohh...
Tessa: Cyn has disappeared on earth
J: the boss ran away
Tessa: we mutually disengaged! Her last known location was the human exo planet
N: but why?
J: that's what we're trying to figure out bozo

Just than Doll use her powers to take the cockroach bot away from Tessa and takes it away with her

Tessa: that's kind of the key we need

N and Uzi looked at each other before they all chased after Doll, J was shooting at her and blowing things up, Tessa following behind, tries to shoot Doll but she dodges easily, N, Uzi and V flies down and follow them

Tessa: J relay hand, Cyns orders
J: step 1, clear drop zone of life and construct spire, step 2
Tessa: enter labs with this symbol, not too munch to go off but Cyn wants these labs, and we gotta burn them down, that little bug was our key in, *sigh* J mind my ship

Tessa walks forwards and throws the keys back to J, J catches it and looks around than she turns away

J: uh... Ofcourse boss

J flies away, Tessa turns around to see a angry Uzi, Uzi stomps her way over to Tessa

Uzi: why involve Doll? What's happening to her?!
Tessa: she reckons that humans did something to her folks down here, gave her a sickness that she inherited
Uzi: and...?
Tessa: I think she's right. . .  Coming or what?

Tessa casually drops down and falls into the factory, N and V walks over to Uzi and look down, not sure if they should really go down there

N: Uzi are you ok...
Uzi: I'm fine.
N: it could be dangerous... Maybe you could-
Uzi: no, this place, it has the answers I need! If Doll says that it all started here than this has got to be it! I'm going down there, whether your following or not

Uzi opens her wings and flies down, N sighs

V: you worry too munch you know? If she can handle sticking around us than she'll be fine, what's the worse that could happen?
N: your right...
V: well? C'mon? Let's follow them before either of them get themselves into a stupid situation

V and N flies down and met up with the other 2, V shines a flash flight to look around and N looks down to what seems like a bottomless pit, he puts Tessa down, while Uzi and V gets down and looks around the area

N: is there... An secret labelled elevator...?

V rolls her eyes at N silly question while Uzi tail is bitting N head, Tessa was walking forward when she steps on a drone arm, it rolls over to a pile of worker drone bodies, piled up together covered in oil, N sees this and holds on to Uzi shoulder tightly, trying to keep her back from the mess, V rolls her eyes once again and step up shining her flash light to look around at the bodies

Tessa: right... It might need some security... Specifically against you guys

Uzi, N and V look at the red glowing screen full of warnings, Uzi looks at the messages on the walls, it all says "don't look" with drawings of what looks like eyes and a large mouth with sharp teeth, she felt uneasy and was hoping to get some closure from N until Tessa just jumps up

Tessa: humans made this security so this human can control it!

Tessa chuckles nervously as she takes a piece of paper from a machine, it says "access denied" she puts it back to where it belongs

Tessa: maybe
V: anything to screw Cyns plan up?
N: and for Mom backstory, right Uzi?
Uzi: umm... Yeah...

They all walk up ahead while Uzi was nervously looking back at the pile of drone bodies, she just turns back around and follow the others, they all saw a sign on the wall, 1 of the words specifically says "secret elevator" N shudders in either joy or nervousness and points at it, Uzi nods while V feels annoyed at how idiotic it is to have a sign that says "secret elevator"

Tessa: righty-ho sources says that-

Before Tessa finish her sentence, she steps on something and it grabs her leg and drags her away

Tessa: except I'm going this way! So save me if you get the chance thanks!!

Uzi, N and V tries to chase after Tessa when they come across a strange room and a cry could be weirdly heard from the inside, they all retreat their tracks and hide behind the walls, than try to take a peek threw the wall at what is making the crying sound, there was only a single light flickering on what seems to be a young drone baby

Uzi: uh... Shoot the baby imedietly?
N: that's not soon enough!!

N jumps out and tries to shoot the baby only for it to reveal it has limbs, it got away from N attack and climbs up on the wall, the next thing they know was a severed murder drone hand slides up Infront of them, connected to a string, it switched into a weapon, they knew what it was and tries to get away but suddenly the baby returns with a worker drone who has a knife I hand, and alot of strange objects on her head that made them look like antlers or horns

Alice: heya surface slickers

They all look behind them and weapon than shoots a bright beam, it was than that they all blacked out

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12 ⏰

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