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This celebrates the news about murder drones ep 3 almost coming out!

N narration:
In the night i woke up and was going to check if Uzi was awake and she was, she's just sitting on the the bed staring into nothingness, thats a first, i go up to her but she dosent even notice, now getting worried, i tập on her shoulder to get her attention

N: hey Uzi
Uzi: hm...?
N: something wrong? Your just sitting there quietly, what's up?
Uzi: don't know, head...? Program? Feels funny
N: how so?
Uzi: i saw weird memories... Don't know if their mine or someone else... Its... Gorry....
N: its that bad?
Uzi: .... Robots we're infront of me... With knives... hamers, program machines and weird symbol... It makes my head spin...
N: oh.... Ummm, hey I have something coming up so i have to hurry and go for abit, can you stay with J and V?
Uzi: mh...

I give Uzi her support cane and ran off, she's getting the hang of walking in the girls shoes... Kind of- but i quickly ran to my room and search for the book Uzi gave me, she should know about this, i eventually found it and skim threw the pages until i found the last page
" Oh right N, my new self might some how recover My memories in her sleep mode and that will be problematic with her due to her new program system, what my memory contains are not very... Comforting so, don't be fooled by her blank face, she's freaking out, so don't let her get too traumatized while being with you or your teamates"
Oh no thats bad, i have to hurry!! I quickly put the book away and head tords Uzi, luckily, she didn't go to J or V, she still isnt interested in doing other things so she just rewatch anime or read some book, i sigh in relife and walk tords her

Uzi: i thought you were busy...
N: i was only a little but I'm free now, so don't worry, I'll always be here no matter what
Uzi: did you sleep ...? You look tired...
N: huh? Oh! Hehehe don't worry, i must've forgot to drink some oil so its no big deal
Uzi: no stubbornness N..., Go drink oil...
N: oh! Hehehe right i'll be right back

Awe she still care to even uh scold me? To drink some oil? But its true, i was too busy looking out for her to remember drinking oil, so a little bit wouldn't hurt, i found our supply of oil that was prepared by the old Uzi... And drink a bottle thân i imedietly return, to only see Uzi staring blankly at the window where many stars are shining... Is she still scared? I go up to her and sit down to give her a hug

N: hey... Don't worry... No 1... Will hurt you... Ever... As long as we stick together, i'll make sure that you never get hurt agian
Uzi: ....?
N pov: i really... Can't lose you agian....

As i held on to her a little tighter with the horrid thought of losing her agian began to swirl in my mind.... I just want my best friend, the only robot who has ever been there for me to stay safe and be with me... Why is that so munch to ask...? But as those questions took over my mind, i soon snap out when Uzi turn her hear to look at the window agian

N: what's wrong Uzi?
Uzi: light... Outside ...
N: huh?

We both look outside as million shooting stars passed by like a dazzling diamond, i was really amaze, i never seen shooting stars before and better yet, i think it helped Uzi calm down... Her shoulders were a little tense when i try to comfort her but this sight must've calm her down, than i wonder if theres anything else i should remember so i took the book out and read it agian, and found another note
"N i know the idea of the new me remembering my memories is just ruining my own idea of restarting all over agian... But just as long as she thinks its all some nightmare or dream, its fine, just... Take care of that kid... She shouldn't know what she see is real"
I see... So as long as i tell this Uzi that everything she saw is a dream, everything will be ok, don't worry Uzi, I'll make sure your won't go to waist

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