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Uzi narration:
Its morning... I woke up in a comfy bed and felt a little hungry so i try to get up while calling out to N but no answer... I call agian but yet still nothing, feeling stranged i kind of use a stick to at least go around everywhere to look for someone but i couldn't find anybody, where could he go...? Its morning so it should be dangerous for him to go out... I got worried so i grabbed a large coat and go outside, took me awhile to find a snow hole shape exactly like who i think it is, i look inside and confirm its N, i cover him up with the coat and try my best to cary him inside, hes really heavy... As soon as i got him back inside, i lay him on the bed and go get him some oil, hes burning up from over heatting... I got the oil and let him drink it, when he finish, his body finally cools down, now i just have to wiat for him to wake up... Until i heard a loud knocking on the door and a voice raised, i go down stairs to see who it was... Could be V or J... When i open the door, it turns out to be umm Thad

Thad: heya package delivery
Uzi: .... Hi uh... Come in

Uzi: what's... In the box
Thad: oh a while back you have a package delivered but you never got it after the whole accident so it was given to me, i sort of forgot all about it until i look into my closet, here you go
Uzi: umm thnks...
Thad: hey where's N?
Uzi: hes resting... He got over heat and was exposed to the sun so he won't wake up for awhile...
Thad: oh bummer... Hey how about i keep you company than?
Uzi: ok...

Thad narration:
So this morning i was looking for my shirt in my closet when i found Uzi old delivery package inside, i forgot all about it! And i did remember Uzi giving me the location of where she and N will be staying so after i changed my outfit, i grabbed the box and go, but when i got there, i was greeted with a new Uzi, she was wearing the same outfit i last saw her in but she talk less and can't walk properly, she's mostly quiet unless she has to answer something, i also wonder why N isnt around to cling on her like usual, that or i was thinking things, Uzi told me dude got over heated so hes resting, not wanting her to be too lonely in this place i decided to stay with her until N wakes up, we both open the package and turns out inside was a cosplay outfits, alot of them actually... And the accessories are cool and fancy, me and Uzi play around with it for hours until N finally wakes up

N: huh...?
Uzi: your awake...
Thad: oh rise and shine dude
N: Thad? Wha... How did i get here...
Uzi: you over heated outside and was nearly exposed to the sun...
N: oh so Thad brought me in...?
Uzi: no... I did
N: WHAT?! Why would you do that Uzi! You know your in no condition to walk! And i could've return myself! Did you get hurt on the way? Did anything attack us?!
Thad: woah, woah, woah dude, chill, look your fine, Uzi is fine, everything is fine, no 1 is hurt, see? So stop freaking out or you'll freak her out
N: i- o-oh... Sorry...

While N scratch the back of his head, he saw that Uzi was in her cosplay outfit of a character called 'Yae Miko' but instead of the normal head accessory the character had, she wanted to try on that ya know iconic weeding flower crown with long white viel on it? I swear the dude is blushing hard at the scene but Uzi just look confused as hell lmfao this is gonna be tea material, Uzi than grabbed a white coat and gived it to N

N: wha???
Thad: hahaha i think she wants you to put it on
N: huh? Wha- but.

Dude trying to come up with the excuse but he just look at Uzi face and that must be where hes defeated bcz he took the coat and changed into it, and it looks really nice on him

Dude trying to come up with the excuse but he just look at Uzi face and that must be where hes defeated bcz he took the coat and changed into it, and it looks really nice on him

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