wild plan

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Uzi narration:
After i tell N and his teamates the truth and my plan, we all go to our positions and wiat, just as i thought, the crystal tree bloomed, making itself looking like a crystal lotus flower and there are crystal shards that scattered all over the sky, sparkling like a million stars, thats when my body falls and i instantly jump in, i use the symbol and summoned the city giant /you know its made out of metal/ dragon and jump in to it than i caught my body and ride away, thats when N and the other 2 fly on with me

V: being on a actual dragon is weird
Uzi: holding your own body in a night gown is weird

With that statement, the dragon broke out of the building and we flew away from the colony as fast as we could, shortly after we got to my colony and i let the dragon follow the clues i left behind, leading to a massive abandoned church, this place should be perfect to hide in anyway, as the dragon landed, i give my own body to N and let him bring me in as i take care of the dragon and let it go to camaflosh mode than go inside to join them

V: we're having a pet dragon! Cool
Uzi: ok lets go rest, its been a exciting night

I took my actual body up to the roof and watch the snow, shortly after, N came up and join me

N: hey...
Uzi: hey
N: so what were they planning to do with you when you wake up?
Uzi: make me a weapon, turns out... Me wanting to kill all humans is exactly what they wanted... I was so confused by all this truth that i was desprate to get out of there... So i got this place as a hide out, supply you some oil and well... Just hide here... The truth... Is overwhelming...
N: you could've just told me in the beginning...
Uzi: i know... But i geuss i couldn't help it, i haven't seen you in so long that i... Got out of character...
N: i know, i miss you too.... You we're gone for so long and i didnt know what to do with the rest of my life... I abandoned the company but... I don't want the company to do it to mock my actions... I just did what i thought was right...
N: and you did, I'm glad you did... cz all threw out my life i never met anyone as cool or kind as you
N: o-oh ehehehe thnks, i never met anyone as nice, rebellious or exciting as you ever too
Uzi: not even V?
N: well cool and exciting yes but not rebellious
Uzi: hahaha i see
N: why is your visor glitching?
Uzi: I'm deleting myself
N: what?!
Uzi: N i want to forget my past... All i ever did back than is blinded myself in misery so... Maybe losing my memory can be a new start... Don't worry I'll still keep the more important memories like, being friends with Thad, watching anime and.... Meeting you... I'm counting on you to give me a happy memory... Can you do that for an old friend?
N: ofcourse i can ...
Uzi: great, than by tomorrow when I'm fully erase, take my memory chip and place it in my original uh- head, thats the only way
N: ok, i got it

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