old friend long live?

612 22 2

After a tiring day, we all fall back to sleep mode but a few hours later, its morning, i hear an oddly sweet voice singing outside, who could be out there in the morning? It can't be the others bcz their still as sleep but i worry this sweet lullaby might wake Uzi up so i went to check on her only to find out she's not in bed, i freaked out and searched everywhere inside but she wasn't there!!, i would check the roof but i still can die from the sun that is until i saw that I'm standing next to a umbrella container, it has 3 umbrella with a note stick on it, it reads
" Hey bud, if you ever need to go out in the sun for something use this, i made it specially for you guys" thats
Convenience, i took the umbrella and open it up, it than has a dark black veil covering the entire umbrella, i geuss this is 1 way for us not to die by the sun, i quickly ran on top of the roof and as i get closer, the lullaby gets more clear, i open the door and see Uzi sitting on ledge of the building looking at the sun! She's the 1 singing the lullaby

N: Uzi! What are you doing over there?! Come back inside before you fall!
Uzi?: Hm? Heheheh you sure sound worried, concidering the things we done in the past, its not like that could hurt me

Huh? Thats odd, she's speaking at a normal pace and tone, what's going on?

N: Uzi plz just come back inside
Uzi: geez N sience when we're you so worrisome

Uzi got up and turn around to look at me to i only see that symbol appearing in her 1 eye

N: what...?
Uzi?: Hm? What this? I geuss its the only sign for you to know that... im Back
N: your... Back?
Uzi: yeah, agh fight me, don't tell me you forgot? C'mooon its me Uzi
N: its you...?
Uzi: yeah i know, i should've been completely deleted from this body but seems like some files we're still secure, i only just took control while the other me is still in sleep mode so consider immmmmmm sleepwalking! Woah!

I ran up to quickly hug her, its her! The old Uzi that i know! She's still here... I can feel a small hand patting my back as she hug me back, i wiated to do this for so long, oil is leaking from my visor

Uzi: ehehehe chill, at least you get to spend time with the new me, just bcz the old me is gone dosent mean you have to be so dramatic
N: sorry i just... Miss the old you alot...
Uzi: *sigh* i miss you too idiot.... Lets go inside before you burn yourself

i won't lose you agian Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora