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V: so what do we need to dress for the occasion?
Uzi: nope, i have a more special role for you guys, c'mon lets go

N narration:
Uzi lead us inside the tallest and biggest building in the city and I'm very impress with the decorations that has been made, its beautiful

N narration: Uzi lead us inside the tallest and biggest building in the city and I'm very impress with the decorations that has been made, its beautiful

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Until we came across a room that i don't recall decorating

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Until we came across a room that i don't recall decorating

Until we came across a room that i don't recall decorating

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N: hey Uzi what's this beautiful fancy room for?
Uzi: oh this is that announcement room, after the festival theres going to be a announcement and than we go eat to celebrate
N: ohh ok

We continue to go to the top floor and I'm stung right after i walk out from the door, I'm looking at a whole new city covered in giant colourful crystals in all kind of sizes and in the center was a giant tree, its body is wood but the leaves are crystal, i don't understand how is this possible, did we just walk threw a portal?

Uzi: hahaha amazing isnt it? Trust me i don't know how it works either but follow me, its time i tell you the truth

"Tell us the truth"? I don't know what she means but we all fly with her to a building near the giant tree in the center

Uzi: this festival... Its once in a lifetime bcz it'll be the celebration of a drone waking up...
N: a drone?
J: so my suspicion was right, your not amnesiac at all
N: what...? I don't get it... Uzi what are you saying?
Uzi: hehehe... Sorry i lie to ya N but... I'm not really the "real" Uzi I'm the remaining consciousness of the past memory
N: what...?
Uzi: the real me... The me in the murder drone body... Is in that tree
N: wha- but than... Who and what-
Uzi: like i said, I'm a  remaining conciousness of the past, i managed to get myself a diffrent body and go into this city under the name 'Mobius'
N: so...
Uzi: yep i lie, I'm also the 1 who lead you to myself
N: why...
Uzi: bcz i just found out I'm not a worker or murder... I'm not sure if I'm even a drone... I'm... A bionic prostheses robot...
J: bionic prostheses? I thought only humans who are crazy enough can do that
Uzi: i know but they somehow made me, and I'm merely a weapon for them so... I need you to save me from this place
V: how? You show us the security and they have a high probability of ripping our wings out
Uzi: that why i have a plan, when that tree blooms and my body falls out, I'll jump right in and summon a dragon and make a scene to loon like the dragon kidnapped me, than you guys can ride on the dragon and break out of this building and bring me back to my colony, i already prepare us a place to hide, i also prepare a whole 8 year supply of oil for you so don't worry about starving or killing
V: yay!
Uzi: so meanwhile their celebrating, you guys need to form up a triangle formation and wiat for the plan to go
V: sounds stupid and risky but i like it! Lets do it! If some of these idiots follows us than we can just bodied them, i miss killing drones anyway
Uzi: cool, lets get into possisstion

J and V flew off, leaving me behind with Uzi, she walks up to me and give me hug

Uzi: sorry i lied, it was good to see you after all this time
N: yeah... Me too...
Uzi: look... Forget about murdering all humans thing ok? I just... Want to get out of here...
N: and you will, i promised...

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