Chapter 7: We're Not In Paris Anymore

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||Chapter 7: We're Not In Paris Anymore||

"Cecily. Wake up!" Derrick says, pulling my arm.


"Cecily wake up!" Derrick tries again.


He starts shaking her arm.

"Leave me alone, Derrick!"  She answers back, trying to go back to sleep. Cecily absolutely hates it when people try to wake her up while she is asleep!

"Hello passengers! We've arrived in America. Atlanta, Georgia to be exact. I hope you've enjoyed your International safe flight tonight. Ha. That rhymed. Have wonderful morning!" The pilot boomed from the speakers.

Of course. America. Cecily almost thought she was having a nightmare. Nope, it's reality.

Cecily blinks slowly, taking her French homemade eye mask off. "What time is it?"

"Five o'clock a.m." Derrick responds, stretching and grabbing his luggage.

"I still can't believe I'm in America." She mutters, getting up.

They walk out into the main lobby area of the airport and look around for their mom and dad.

Cecily shakes with anticipation. She hasn't seen them in almost a year. Plus she needed to pee.

"There's my Babies!" She hears her mom yell from the distance of the airport.

People look at her mother with a mix of annoyment, aw, hate, and envy as she runs up to her brother son and daughter, giving them dramatic hugs.

Yup. Typical.

Suddenly, Cecily's dad, at least she thinks that's her dad, walks slowly through the double doors of the airport lobby on his cell phone, shutting it closed and spots his childeren.

"Dad!" Cecily and Derrick exclaim at the same time.

Now this is a surprise!

They give their dad a bear hug. He hugs them back smiling. "Kids! Well, teenagers! You have gotten so big!"

"We're not that big." Cecily laughs. It was always so much easier to talk to her dad, since her mom was always being too uptight about things.

Cecily's brother stares through the distance at a tall Latina-looking girl talking to a group of other beautiful races.

The girl notices him staring at her and she blushes, turning away.

"She is so beautiful. I am so used to French girls." He remarks.

Cecily rolls her eyes not even commenting on that one. So much for being in a long distance relationship with Tiana, Cecily's best friend!

The girl looks up again and waves at him. She whispers something to one of her blonde friends, and they both grin. Derrick waves back.

Pathetic. In France, we don't whisper. We just tell it like it is.