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My grandparents have been my guardians since my parents died when I was 8 years old. We were on our way home and they were arguing over something.

Then a semi collided with us, killing them instantly and putting me in a coma for two years.

When I woke up, my Nana and Papa were at my side and was eager to take me home. They spoiled me and showed me love every single day until my 15th birthday.

There was a fire that suffocated my Nana and Papa. I cried and screamed so hard, I gave myself a permanent raspy voice. I cried everyday until the funeral, where I sat stale faced the whole time.

I had realized tears weren't gonna bring them to life or go back to stop them from dying. So, I haven't cried since then; not that I had a reason to.

After the funeral, I quickly packed some things and took myself to my parents' hometown, Jericho.

I have two uncles here on each parents' side; my dad's brother was the new mayor and I used to live with my mom's, but I learned how he resented his younger sister and her only offspring upon meeting.

We never spoke, but I knew. I can tell by how he looked at me.

Then when I was closing in on 18, we started having intense arguments in which he told me something that truly shocked me.

He said my mother was an outcast, a telepathist; she can read someone's mind by locking eyes with them. I thought he was just making shit up about my late mother and I ran away out of rage.

I took refuge in an abandoned shed and snuck back to shower when I knew he wasn't home. What he said about her stuck with me, but I decided he was just spiteful and racist since my skin is a few shades darker than his.

This went on for years until he caught me and had me thrown in jail for breaking and entering as well as theft.

While I was there, I visited the jail's dilapidated library and found a book about telepathy. Though, a bunch of pages were missing, so I couldn't do proper research.

I tried to see if I could read minds like my mother, but I'd just creep people out with my wide, dark eyes.

I got out after a week on account of my uncle's disappearance.

All of his belongings were where I last saw them and he left his car. The only thing different was the cup of cold coffee and a note that had my initials.

But it wasn't in either of ours handwriting.

I was pardoned since I had an alibi and was sent to live with my other uncle.

He's father's brother, a former sheriff, but recently became mayor. And is also owner of Pilgrim World, where my cousin, Lucas and his face ass friends work.

I was offered a job there, but I'd rather not dress up as a colonizer.

Instead, I work as a custodian at a coffee shop with this guy, Tyler. His dad was the current sheriff, as well as my uncle's close friend, and always has eyes on me. Even though I can't read minds (yet), I can tell what he's thinking.

"Hey, Alto? A little help up here," Tyler says from the front of the store. I was cleaning the bathrooms when I heard him and sighed in irritation.

I set the spray bottle and rag down before going to help my coworker.

I'm welcomed with a smoking expresso machine and the tall older man trying to fix it. I furrow my brows a bit, "The fuck did you do, Gulp?" He looks back at me as I'm removing my gloves.

"I didn't do anything," he defends, stepping back as I approach him. "The instructions are in Italian," I take the paper from him and scan over it.

I couldn't read Italian, but I used my Spanish knowledge to make out some of it. Though, nothing useful. I give it back to him, sucking my teeth, "I dunno what that shit says. I'm gonna go finish my chores now."

As I'm heading back, Tyler gasps and says, "Have a habit of scaring people?" I turn to see a bit of a girl in black with pigtails and a stoic look through the smoke.

"More like a hobby," she says monotonously. I shake my head and returned to the bathrooms. After this, I had a few dishes to wash, but I can knock that out in minutes.

As I'm putting the cleaning supplies away, I hear commotion coming from the main area.

I hurriedly put everything up to see what's happening.

Imagine my surprise when I see my cousin and his face ass friends on the ground groaning in pain and that goth girl standing over them.

Well, damn.

Before I could ask what happened, Gulp's dad walks in and I quickly go back to the kitchen. I curse to myself since I wanted to know what was going on, but I don't fuck with Sheriff Galpin.

I get off in another five minutes; hopefully they'll still be here by then.

Though, my hopes were shattered when I see that they were already walking out of sight. Tyler was still here, so I had to ask.

He was picking up the fallen chairs. "Gulp, what the fuck happened?" When he turns to me and our eyes lock briefly, I freeze.

My eyes expand as I'm able to hear and envision what just happened through his eyes.

"Alto, are you okay?" He asks when I've been stuck too long. I blink a few times and shake my head.

"I gotta go," I say, rushing out before he can get another word out.

I made a hasty beeline to the one place I can go to clear my mind. My shed.

I come here to think and work shit out. Or rage when needed.

I set my things down and sit next to them, running my hand through my short locs. I'm trying to wrap my head around what happened minutes ago.

I heard Tyler think, "Wednesday took Lucas and his friends down all by herself with no problem." Then I was able to see it happening in my head.

Like a lucid dream.

I only saw this girl briefly, but barely since the steam blocked out most of her face.

Yet, I know what she looks like vividly, I knew her name, what's happened since she's arrived and even noticed the Nevermore emblem on her black uniform.

Once my initial feeling disappeared, a slow smile came across my face.

About fucking time.

*I'm so excited bc I love the Addams Family in general and the fact they have a show about my favorite character just adds on

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