XXX: The Addams Family

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*I honestly love this book so much that I can't leave it alone. So here, I'm gonna write out a continuation; Alto's first day in the Addams Family mansion and meeting everyone.

**Also, the parents are gonna lean towards the OG Fam (60s version aka my parents... I'm their dark child with reverse vitiligo) until season two comes around.


"Gaahhdamn," I breathed out with wide eyes and a look of pure awe.

I knew Wednesday's family was one of the wealthiest on the coast, but I never actually seen how rich people lived; I grew up on oodles of noodles, sugar water, hot dogs on sandwich bread, and all kinds of struggle meals.

These people look like they feed their pet lion caviar. Though, I strongly doubt they do.

Her parents weren't home, but Uncle Fester, her brother Pugsley and her grandmama were.

I had Friday around my neck, hissing softly in my ear as I unload my things from the trunk.

"Do you think your dad would like me?" I ask. "You saved his only daughter from dying on multiple occasions. If anything, he's planning our wedding," she says in her usual bland tone, now with Thing on her shoulder.

"Is that a bad thing?" I joke, carrying my turntable and bags. She then turns to me, getting incredibly close.

The proximity was making my heart race and hands sweat. I discreetly wipe my hands on my pants and try to calm my heart down.

"I'm trying to avoid being anything like my mother. I'll never get married or have a family, do you understand, Parrish? Going to Nevermore was enough," she says strongly, giving me tingles down my back.

"Buuut, if you were never forced, you would've never met me," I say knowingly and the look she gives me both scares me and excites me. I don't know which is more evident.

"And without me, neither of us would be standing here," I proceeded and she backs up with an eye roll, "Wrong. If it weren't for Goona, neither of us would be standing here."

"Regardless, we saved each other from certain death several times with the help of our ancestors," I say with a smug grin on my face.

"Whatever, shut up about it," she replies while her butler, Lurch, grabs her things. Now, this guy has to be at least 7 ft tall.

Mount Everest ain't got shit on him.

He leads us inside wordlessly, trudging like Frankenstein's monster.

Once we were in the foyer, my eyes grow wider. "Holy shit," I chuckle out, thoroughly impressed. The interior is fucking dope. It's dark and gothic, but beautiful and elegant.

Hell, even a little home-y.

"Follow me," Lurch says in a very low, monotonous voice. I do so with Shorty trailing behind. I look around in wonder as we weave through hallways; passing numerous doors until we get to a slightly opened room with a fancy W on it.

He nudges it open and sets Wednesday's things down on the floor.

Damn, her room is hot.

Damn, her room is hot

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