IX: Fuck Joseph Crackstone

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When I came to, daylight was replaced with nightfall. The air was littered with the smell of wood burning and the sound of loud jeers.

That uneasy feeling I had twenty minutes ago returns, but it was stronger and put a bit of fear in me.

There was an angry mob with torches and pitchforks and shit circling someone, pushing them around like high school bullies while saying things like: "Burn her!" "Witch!" "Demon!" "Sorceress!"

I feel a hard tug on my arm as Wednesday pulls us behind some barrels.

We watch the scene unfold discreetly.

I couldn't hear anything but the mob until I spot Crackhead himself entering the middle of it all.

Then everything went quiet.

I was able to catch a glimpse of the colonizer and the girl on her knees in the dirt, looking up at him with rage and fear.

"Goody Addams! You have been judged before God and have been found guilty. You are a witch. A sorceress. Lucifer's mistress herself. You will burn this night and suffer the flames of eternal hellfire."

The young girl's lightly accented voice rebuts, "But you have stolen the land! You have slaughtered the innocent! You have robbed us of our peaceful spirit! It is not me who should be tried! It is all of you!"

She stands up and cuts Crackstone's face with something, earning shocked gasps. I chuckle lightly. You had it coming, asshole.

But she ended up with a harsh slap to the face. I flinch as the mob cheers.

Suddenly, another voice calls from about 20 feet away.

"Joseph Crackstone!"

This person's accent was that of a Native laced with anger and hatred.

The crowd turn their attention to this person; she was a bit taller than the girl, has a caramel complexion and wide, dark eyes lit up by the torches. She wore a linen shirt, deerskin moccasins, and leggings with her long black hair in two braids hanging to her waist.

Around her neck, she wore a necklace of a sort with beads and feathers arranged beautifully.

She looks familiar...

"Yanna!" The troubled girl called for her, but before she got too close, members from the mob grabbed her. "Goody! Tla (No)! Release me, ghost!" She yelled as Crackstone slowly approaches her.

He towered over her, but she wasn't fazed. "Yanna Flores, how could I have missed you?" He asks in a sinister tone.

"Hesdi (Quit it)! They good to us!" She cries out in broken English.

"God sees them as abominations. Demons sent here to destroy men. They must burn."

"Why kill family?! Happy before your god say to kill us! We are not demons!" The ugly man gets even closer; I can smell his stank breath from here.

"You are a witch as well?"

Yanna says nothing and spits thickly in the man's face to complement the blood from the cut Goody gave him.

This earns a harsh punch to the gut that made her eyes bulge open. After a few moments, she begins laughing. "Hahaha... I know your thoughts, Joseph Crackstone. 'Destroy and rebuild village'," she says with perfect English. She then tilts her head to the side.

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