XLIII: Eyes, Nose and Mouth

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At just before 2, Paris drops me off a block from the dummy disco. "Alto, be careful," I hear her say, but I was already running down the empty street.

My mind was flashing with different images; the vision, the dreams, everything from that day in the Weathervane to now. And the danger we were in day in and day out.

In that time, we've been in multiple deadly situations and she could very well be in one now.

I finally get to the alley and climb the cold ladder quickly. My lungs were on fire, but I keep pushing.

I knew the door was locked, so I hurriedly used my belt buckle to get in opened.

It was pitch dark inside, so I had to rely on my memory to get me through the shop of little horrors.

I may not be terribly afraid of them anymore, but they're still fucking creepy.

My eyes soon adjust to the shadows of the marionettes and ventriloquies. Thankfully, I didn't have to see their faces, but I can make out strings, heads, arms and legs.

The building was dead quiet; I was only able to hear my breathing and blood flow in my ears.

As I'm entering the main area, I feel something prick my neck and I flinch. I snatch out a little dart and instantly got dizzy.

Then sudden nothingness.

When I woke up, I was still a little out of it. My head was knocking something crazy and my body felt tight. My eyes remained closed until the unmistakable stench of death hit my nose.

It's fucking foul.

"Parrish," comes a whisper from directly behind me. I groan and finally open my eyes. I blink a few times and I'm immediately confused.

What I saw was what I'd imagine actual Hell would look like; it was dark with several torches scattered around the room. It was also equipped with realistic skeletons in chains on the walls and fiery stalagmites.

Ironically, it was cold.

I try looking around as much as I could, but there wasn't much else to see. That's when I realized Wednesday and I are tied back to back in metal chairs.

I was facing the back of the room with the skeletons while she was facing the door.

"Where are we?" I croak, still a little disoriented.

"Remember when I told you not to go down the darkest hall?" She reminds me and I nod.


She stays silent and I let it click. "This is what you didn't want me to see?" I ask, but she stayed silent. "Are those real skeletons?"

"Yes," she says shortly, in a way that basically tells me to shut up.

Which I do for a second. She ain't in the mood for any more questions. Which I get.

We sat in silence until I hear the heavy door creak open and slow footsteps. I couldn't see who it was for obvious reasons, but the voice was too familiar.

"You two are too easy to bait," comes a woman's voice that instantly put anger in me. I try to keep myself together for both my and Wednesday sakes.

"How sad is your life that you have to stalk your classmates?" Wednesday says, earning a chuckle. I hear more footsteps until the siren was right in front of me.

"You fucking bitch!" I yell while struggling frantically, no longer able to control myself. I was damn near rabid at this point.

"Parrish, stop freaking out," Wednesday says loud enough for me to hear and I huff while glaring at my smirking bitch of a former roommate.

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