Part 3

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5 30 year olds were sitting in a room (3 males, 2 females). Suddenly, a strange noise was heard coming from outside. All of them rushed out to investigate it. Once they had reached the source of the sound, they saw that it was what looked to be a blue portal. 
“What is that thing?” A large male asked.
“I have no idea.” a man in a black pretty much skin-tight outfit replied. Unexpectedly, the third man, who was wearing a skirt, rushed forward and threw a fire extinguisher at it. The fire extinguisher vanished as soon as it made contact with the portal. 

The five people continued to stare at the anomaly in front of them. Abruptly, the portal made more strange noises and then the next thing they knew there were two 13 year olds on the ground in front of them. 
“Does anyone else see little number five or is that just me?” the man in the skirt stated. The two young boys stood up and looked around.
“Five? Did it work?” Five nodded and turned to face the other people.
“Five, what the hell happened to you, its been seventeen years?” the large man said.
“Oh, it’s been a lot longer than that.” Five replied before taking the other boy’s hand and walking inside the large building.

“Five, why are we in our thirteen year old bodies?” Ethan had removed his hand from Five’s grip. 
“I must’ve made a miscalculation.” Five had begun walking over to the kitchen table. Ethan followed Five over to the table before turning around to see that the other people, who he only had a slight idea of who they were, had followed them inside.
"What's the date, the exact date?"
"The 24th."
"Of what?"
“So are you going to explain to us why you have been gone for seventeen years and why you’ve only just come back?” The large man said his tone laced with annoyance from Five’s lack of explanation. 
“Yeah and also aren’t you going to introduce us to your friend?” The man in a skirt said in a sing-song voice.
Five rolled his eyes, “This,” he gestured towards the other boy, “Is Ethan. And I have only just returned now, because I couldn’t get back before now.”
“Back? Back from where?” A woman in a stylish dress questioned. 
“The future.” Five said in a clearly annoyed tone.

“So~” The man in the skirt turned to Ethan, “I’m Klaus, It’s very nice to meet you.”
“The pleasure is all mine.” Ethan smiled slightly as Klaus was clearly taken aback by him.
“How did you?”
“How did I what? It is my power.”
"Cool. Anyways," He smiled, "This is Luther, that's Diego, this is Allison and that is Vanya." He explained while gesturing towards each of the people.
"Okay, so do all of you have powers?"
"Yeah kinda."
"What are all of your powers?"
"Luther's has super-strength, Diego has uncanny aim, Allison has mind control, Vanya doesn't have powers and I can commune with the dead."
"Cool. Wait Five said that he had six siblings but there's only five of you here."
"Yeah one of our siblings died a few years after five left. His name was Ben but his spirit is still here it has always been."
"Oh okay. What was his power?"
"Oh, Ben could summon tentacles out of himself that he could command."
During Klaus and Ethan's conversation, Luther had been attempting to get information out of Five. However, he had no luck. Five was just stood there making a sandwich giving vague answers.

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