Part 6

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The two boys were sat in a darkened apartment. The lock of the door clicked and slowly the door opened. Vanya walked in and turned on the light but jumped when she saw the two, "Jesus!"
"You should have locks on your windows."
"I live on the fifth floor."
"Rapists can climb." Five stated. Vanya sat down across from them.
She looked closer at the two boys, "Is that blood?"
"Yeah, don't worry about it."
"Let me get that cleaned up for you both." She stood up and walked over to a cupboard, "Why are you here?"
"Because I've decided that you're the only one I can trust."
"Why?" She sat back down.
"Because you're ordinary." He paused, "Because you'll listen." "When we jumped forward do you know what we found?"
"Nothing, absolutely nothing. As far as we could tell, we were the last people left alive. We never did figure out what killed the human race, or why. But we did find something else.. The date it happens." He looked at Vanya, "The world ends in nine days and we have no idea how to stop it."

"We survived on scraps. Canned food, cockroaches, anything we could find." He chuckled slightly, "You know that rumor that Twinkies have an endless shelf life? Well, it's total bullshit."
"I can't even imagine."
"You do whatever it takes to survive, or you die. So we adapted. Whatever the world threw at us, we found a way to overcome it."
"You got anything stronger? You think we're crazy."
"No." She stammered, "It's just... it's a lot to take in."
"Exactly what don't you understand?" Five sounded slightly annoyed.
"Why didn't you just time travel back?"
He scoffed and then sighed, "Gee, wish I'd thought of that. Time travel is a crapshoot. I went into the ice and never acorn-ed. You think we didn't try everything to get back here?"
"If you grew old there, you know, in the apocalypse, how come you still look like a kid?"
He scoffed again, "I told you already." He sighed, "I must have got the equations wrong. I mean, Dad always used to say that time travel could mess up your mind." Vanya poured two new drinks.
"Well, maybe that's what's happening?"
"This was a mistake. You're too young... too naive to understand."
"No. Five... Five, wait. I haven't seen you in a long time, and I don't want to lose you again. That's all. And you know what, it's getting late, and... I have lessons early, and I need to sleep, and I'm sure you do, too. Here." She handed them both a blanket, "We'll talk in the morning again. Okay? I promise. Night."
"Night." Vanya took her pills before walking into her room and closing the door. Five sighed before taking Ethan's hand and standing up. Ethan furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. Five just smiled at him before they left the apartment quietly.

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