Part 4

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One by one each of the siblings walked through the rain over to the funeral site. Five and Ethan were at the back, sharing an umbrella.
"Is it okay that I'm here?"
"Of course it is." Five replied smiling slightly and Ethan nodded in response. At the front Luther held an urn containing the ashes of Reginald Hargreeves.

Everyone formed a loose semi-circle around Luther.
"Whenever you're ready, dear boy." A talking chimpanzee stated comfortingly.
Luther poured out the ashes and they landed in a clump at his feet, "Probably would have been better with some wind." Luther stated awkwardly.
The chimpanzee, Pogo, spoke up again, "Does anyone wish to speak?" Silence. "Very well. In all regards, Reginald Hargreeves made me the creature I am today. For that alone, I shall forever be in his debt. He was my friend, and my master, and I shall miss him very much. He was a...a complicated man--"
He was cut off by Diego quietly yet still audibly interrupting, "He was a monster. He was a bad person and a worse father. The world’s better off without him."
"Diego." Allison scolded.

Diego rolled his eyes and pointed to the mansion, "This entire place is a lie. That’s
his legacy."
Luther interupted, "We’re his legacy."
"Well, I hope he’s proud."
He pointed to Klaus,
Allison and Vanya respectively, "Drug addict. Fame whore. Traitor." He pointed to Five, "Whatever the hell you are." Finally he pointed to Luther, "And the mighty Spaceboy."
"At least I didn’t turn tail and
run." Luther was getting quite annoyed at this point.
"No, you sat on the moon like a good little doggie. He had to send you 240,000 miles away. That’s how much he couldn’t stand the sight of you."
Luther lost his temper and lunged for Diego. However, Diego was faster. Ducking from Luther’s giant fists. One lucky
shot and Luther would take his head clean off.
Vanya attempted to stop them, "Stop it!"
"Yeah, no, stop it..." Klaus half heartedly joined in, clearly enjoying the drama.

Diego striked Luther several times in quick succession before Luther threw him. Diego twisted mid-air and landed on his feet.
"Boys! Stop this at once!" Pogo shouted. Luther pushed Diego into a statue of Ben. Five rolled his eyes and began walking away with Ethan's hand in his. Klaus began rolling a joint and settled to watch the events unfold. The statue of Ben fell over and the head broke off.
"And there goes Ben's statue." Allison sighed.
Klaus exhaled smoke, "Best funeral ever."

Diego pulled a small curved knife from his belt and threw at Luher. It tore through the sleeve of Luther's overcoat. Instead of bare skin there was coarse thick fur instead. Luther's fighting spirit completely disappeared. He stumbled backwards and clamped a hand over the tear. He looked around wildly and made eye contact with Allison. After less than a second he turned and lumbered back towards the building.

Vanya walked towards Diego, "You're and ass."
"Why are you even here, Vanya?"
"Shut up, Diego." Allison walked with Vanya away. Everyone else walked away leaving Klaus there alone. He knelt down next to the pile of ashes and stuck his joint into it, "I bet you're just loving this." Klaus stood up and walked away.

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