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As Aryll watched her brother fall to his doom, she felt Ghirahim's daggers fly by her ears. They zipped down the length of the tower, zooming through the brush clinging to the cliffs. Aryll gasped as a golden platform appeared, Link smashing into it. He rolled off just as Zelda made another platform in a desperate attempt to save him, but it was no use. The daggers lined up under Link. He fell straight into them, face down.

Stumbling back, Aryll pressed a hand over her mouth as sobs cracked up her throat. She tripped over the pully Link had tugged to the ground, falling on her butt and continuing to crawl backwards. She was dimly aware of Ghirahim smirking down at her, eyes gleaming as he glanced out the window.

"Now, be a good girl, and stay here," he said.

In a puff of smoke, Ghirahim vanished.

Aryll let the tears overtake her. She hugged herself in a ball, rocking back and forth with shuddering breaths. Overwhelmed by the sobs, it became difficult to breathe. It felt like a hand was clamped around her throat, a dumbell pressed on her back. Then a real, firm hand was there.

Gasping, Aryll tore herself away from Nabooru. She scurried to the wall, pressing herself flat against it. Nabooru stared at her, something like sympathy in her eyes. She pulled the mask off her face, biting the inside of her lip and turning away. Walking to the window, she glanced out of it, assessing the situation below.

"He is not dead yet."

Aryll nearly missed her words, she was so wound up and tense.

Nabooru faced her again. "Despite what you think, I am not with Ghirahim. I do not want to be his puppet. I was only forced into this position when my first husband left, Ghirahim stole my first child, then when my second tried to kill me. I will aid you and your brother, the princess, and . . . and my son." Clouds rolled over her eyes as she mentioned the last person.

Aryll hiccupped one last time, relaxing a little. "Your son?" she squeaked. Gerudo women were not supposed to have male children by blood. It was impossible for them.

However, there was one exception. Every 100 years, a Gerudo male is born. That Gerudo was Ganondorf. But Ganondorf was dead. Although, Groose was suspected to be a Gerudo. But that would mean . . .

"Ghirahim will not be back soon," Nabooru ignored Aryll's question. She swung her legs out the window, sitting on the sill. "I must help them."

"But - Wait!"

She was gone before Aryll could finish her fragmented sentence.


Link layed motionless on the stone ground. Blood quickly soaked through his tunic. His eyes were closed due to the many scratches and cuts covering his face.

"Link!" Zelda cried, sprinting to his side. She dropped down next to him, lightly placing a hand on his shoulder. "Can you hear me? Link!"

He didn't respond. Zelda prepared herself to twist him onto his back.


Gasping, Zelda turned to see a tall Gerudo standing on a rock. Groose squinted at her, taking in her appearance. Something about her was familiar, but he didn't know why.

Setting her jaw, Zelda positioned herself over Link, ready to defend him.

"You're going to hurt him more," the Gerudo nodded to Link, unconscious and limp. "Check for spinal or head injuries before you turn him over."

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