A walk in the park✨

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A few minutes later I heard the window open I turned to see Jack standing there, he looked over at me but I looked away. " Y/n..I'm sorry I was mad and wanted you to get revenge but I didn't mean to yell at you, you know I get angry easily. But can we talk?" Jack said sitting next to me, I looked at him and nodded. I was surprised that Jack wanted to talk about his feelings, I never liked doing that either.

After Jack had apologized we talked about what happened in more detail ,I looked at him with concern and shock to see he was crying " Hey, why are you crying?" I said putting a hand on his shoulder but he didn't say anything he just turned into a ball of sadness and kept crying, I moved in front of him to see what was wrong " Jack I- WOAH" Jack had pulled me into him , my face in his chest my hands to his side and his hands hugging my back tightly , it was like an awkward hug while sitting down but it was very soothing to be near him. I could hear a faint sob come from him " I-I just don't want you to every get hurt like that again, when I heard you scream I came sprinting" Jack sobbed out as he stuttered some of his words, I had started to tear up at the thought of him caring about me. " Jack, I'm fine now, I'm so thankful you saved me" I said getting up and sitting on my knees still in front of him, Jack wiped away a tear from my face and held his hand on my face after a minute of silence he started to talk " Do you remember when we pranked Medda into thinking that she was bald and when she ran to her mirror we dumped water on her?" He said laughing, I busted out laughing "Yes! Do you remember when we got Mrs. Brooks drunk and she made out with the stuffed deer head at the Bronx lodge" I giggled as I remembered she was yelling the next morning when we had told her " Shh, yous gonna wake up the boys" Jack said looking back into the window " I guess we should hit the sack to, i gotta get to Bronx before 9:00 tomorrow morning" I said standing up, Jack did the same " Yeah, me and Mush gotta wash clothes tomorrow" he said rolling his eyes we opened the window and snuck back into the bed rooms " Your gonna have to share with me" he said " Wes don't usually have female visitors so sorry we don't have a separate room" he said as he stood at the entrance to the bathrooms " It's fine, I had to share with Spot one time because someone some how caught my hammock on fire and let me just tell you Spot snored all night looong" I said smirking at Jack,he smiled and walked into the bathrooms. I had took of my shoes and socks and found a old shirt in the corner of the room with tiny holes in it, the shirt was big enough to basically be a dress. I started to change in the corner when I heard the bathroom door close I turned around to see Jack frozen staring at me I was in my bra and was just taking my skirt off when I turned around to see him staring at me, he quickly covered his eyes with his hands and turned around " I'm sorry" he whispered very loudly I quietly laughed at him and I finished putting the old oversized shirt on and walked passed him to the bathrooms " Your fine Jack it was on accident" I said patting his back and I walked in the bathroom.

Jacks pov—-

As she walked into the bathrooms and I heard the door close I opened my eyes and chuckled to myself, this girl has me wrapped around her finger I thought as I climbed up in my bed and laid there awake. I had been contemplatin' if I shoulds tell her that she's like an amazing goil and ask her to date, somethin like that or if I should just keep it to myself for now. Just then the bathroom door opened and I could hear foot steps coming over to me " Move over" Y/n whispered as she crawled into my bed I was facing the window and moved over a bit so she could fit, it was a smaller bed but we managed to be fine.


I was still awake. Y/n was to, so I turned over to see her face in the moon light, our eyes met and he smiled at each other " Can't sleep Jack ass?" She said as she chuckled, that was her nickname for me " Yeah, yeah whatever go to sleep" I said I as I closed my eyes and drifted to a light sleep.

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