Chapter 3

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With the sun approaching its noon peak, this was a beautiful route. A sight I loved. When a gust of warm wind greeted me once I gained altitude, I rumbled in pleasure. With Deidre hiding her sensitive skin from the sun's rays, I had gotten used to being outside mostly during the night. Getting used to it, however, didn't mean I didn't miss the feeling of that warmth on my blue skin and the view from high up over my sun-lit homecloud.

Maybe the elves' clothing-makers could produce a dress that would cover my Deidre's entire skin, making it possible for me to bring her up here in this sector during the day. To show her the view, see her unique hair unbraided and moved by the playful breeze until it was all tussled. That was my other favorite sight these days. I was sure it would take my tail away up here, amid the puffy white clouds keeping my homecloud protected from enemy eyes and from dangerous weather. Just as much as it took my tail away amid the white sheets of our bed.

I grunted in disbelief at the direction of my thoughts again. Was my Deidre right when she accused me of always being horny? Me and all males of my kind? She was a bit prudish - nothing that I wasn't already making progress on solving - but she might have a point–

"Hello to you, too, Ris," Tasmir called while flying past, waving at me with his free hand. The other was carrying a basked nearly overflowing with strawberries.

I realized I had unconsciously avoided a collision with him, because I had not really registered seeing him. Thankfully, he had misinterpreted my grunt for a greeting, otherwise my rudeness could have left my home without daily egg deliveries. My Deidre would 'flip' if such a thing were to happen.

"Busy day? With that load," I called (more like growled) after him.

"A special delivery for my liege," he replied, stopping and partially turning to face me. "A surprise treat for the Queen, surely." He swept some of his graying hair back and chuckled. "She's the most strawberry-eating female on this homecloud, no two opinions on that!... You know, Ris, if you ever need any special home delivery, just let me know. Anything for the highest-honored warrior of our homecloud."

My ears heated at the praise.

"Sweets, flowers, unicorn milk - just name it," the merchant kept going. "Just bear in mind that the latter is in limited quantities these days - with the war and all - so it's no longer free of charge."

I grumbled deep in my chest at the thought of presenting my Deidre with sweets and flowers. Based on what I had been taught in class, females responded well to such gifts and would grant a male a claiming privilege more easily. Imagine how my tail had drooped when my attempt at making my mate happy with these presents had resulted in 'curses', 'holy Gods of the Underground', and 'how could you do this' exclamations.

In my defense, back then I had been too excited to finally have my mate in my home, to remember that the ice cream contained milk and that to her, a bouquet was a handful of murdered plants. I had saved my hide by bringing her flower seeds to plant in my tiny garden on the very next day. But the horrified look on her face at the previous gifts still haunted me.

I could only imagine how bringing my Deidre unicorn milk for the sole purpose of bathing in it would make her react. She just might go hunt down the unicorn breeder and set all those highly aggressive creatures free from what she would consider a life of slavery.

Only now noticing that Tasmir was patiently waiting for a reply, I asked out of politeness, "How many days of farm work for a tub of unicorn milk?"

He grinned. "A week."

I growled in shock. Food was free on my homecloud, with everyone getting the quantities they needed for proper nutrition, but extra portions and specials required some assistance to the growers. The price for the most exotic options was a day or two of hard work. But a week? Seven days of caring for unicorns who tried to run off to the ground every time a rainbow would show up next to the homecloud? No way.

"Yeah, Ris, it's crazy expensive, I know. But who wouldn't do something crazy for his mate, eh?"

To that I nodded in full agreement.

"Okey-dokey. I gotta fly, Ris... Remember: you've got a special delivery, just let me know."

I grunted affirmatively and quickly continued on my way, barely avoiding a collision with several palace guards flying in formation to take the noon shift on the wall.

Perhaps I could pay a visit to the ice cream shop one of these days and ask for a special delivery of soya-milk-based ice cream. They didn't make that version regularly since it tasted awful, but my Deidre might appreciate it. And then she might agree to try the 'flying 69' position. After all, she had loved the 'air sushi' position, so...

I flapped my wings faster in excitement at the possibilities.

That was when a reflection of the sunlight from the line of houses below me nearly blinded me. I slowed down and blinked a couple of times before I could trust my eyes again. Scanning the cloudy two-story houses close to the outer walls of the capital, I quickly determined where the reflection had originated from.

Me and Deidre's house. The backyard, in fact. With no glass anywhere on the building or in the tiny garden, there was only one explanation.

My Deidre was out in the sun, lying on the ground, passed out and burning her sensitive skin – that had to be it! My precious mate was in danger!

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