Chapter 5

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I sighed.

All the pieces of the attack strategy for tomorrow had fallen into place, now that King Xaniban's messenger had confirmed what had been discussed earlier with the gargoyle leader. But with the messenger out of her reception room, my sister just had to start an argument between us. When we had surprisingly agreed on everything else today.

Admittedly, I partially agreed with her on this. Partially. Yes, Jasmine should be resting safely underground during daytime, not be on the surface where my guards had to protect her while nearly blinded by the sunlight. Not to mention the dangers that lurked in the forest during the day.

However, my most precious flower was going to wither if constantly kept away from the sun. Besides, Jasmine had agreed to take her walks close to sunset to make it easier for the guards to do their jobs. She and I had thus reached a compromise on her visits to the surface, so the only thing my sister's meddling could achieve at the moment was to keep me away from my braid partner.

"Mesia, enough. Jasmine cannot be kept here at all times, she is not an elf to thrive underground."

"Oh, trust me, brother, I can never forget she is not an elf." My sister gave me a mocking smile. "But the child she is carrying may one day rule this kingdom, and its safety should come first."

She just had to say it. Yet another reminder that Mesia's concern for my braid partner was as fake as the smiles she gave our people. She did like Jasmine, I knew that for fact, and my sister rarely liked someone, let alone a human. But that didn't mean she cared for my braid partner.

Our harsh life had left Mesia cold and detached, and I could not blame her. How could I? She had sacrificed her happiness for our kingdom, the way I never had, choosing instead to follow my heart the way our father had done.

So no, I had no right to blame my sister. But I would not let her blame me and Jasmine for not caring about the safety of our unborn child. Nor would I allow her to talk about my flower as if it was only the child's well-being that mattered.

I stepped closer until Mesia had no room left to move and had to look up to meet my gaze, or admit my physical superiority.

Jasmine didn't like it when I engaged in what she called a 'pissing contest', but my flower had to understand this was a necessary display of power. Even more so with my sister, who didn't back down from arguments in any other way.

Mesia rarely conceded even after my dominance displays, but now she would. I would have it no other way ahead of the battle. I had to be sure that if I fell tomorrow, my sister would look after Jasmine properly. Walks topside at sunset included.

"My braid partner will have whatever she requests for hers and our child's health," I said firmly. "You will not prevent that from happening, sister. Not while I still draw breath, and not after. I will take no advice from you on the matter, either. Am I clear?"

Her eyes met mine as sternly as usual. "You won't die tomorrow, brother. You will continue to draw breath long after me, because someone has to be happy in this family. You must see your child born and growing."

"This is not what I–"

"I always know what's in your head. I know what you actually want to be clear about is Jasmine's future without you. So yes, you've made yourself clear. I will give her all the freedoms you are granting her so foolishly."

I growled low in my chest at the insult.

"Jasmine has you wrapped around her clawless little finger, but since you wish me not to poke my hair in your affairs, I will stop trying to save you from your submissive position." The next words she said more firmly. "What I expect from you in return is to live. You must survive tomorrow, brother. Return to us alive and victorious. I believe that is Nature's will."

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