Chapter 9

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Two wolfish eyes met mine the second I emerged.

I stared back without any fear. Unlike the previous two nights, now Aly's eyes were full of intelligence. My siren was in control, the moon above us no longer being full.

I took her appearance in: the long legs, the blond fur I knew was thick and soft, the erect tail and lowered head ending in a wet black nose... Aly looked unharmed. My siren was well and she had returned to me.

I smiled in relief, and she howled in greeting. Then she sat down and put her muzzle on her front paws despite the water reaching her muzzle that way. She had grown so accustomed to being wet, both in animal and in human form, that she didn't notice anymore, not even when I went to our nest of cushions wet and dripping water all over.

I watched in fascination how her fur was absorbed back into her skin. How the paws below the surface became hands. How her muzzle retracted until it was replaced by Aly's beautiful face. She kept saying it was too rugged and without soft lines to be considered an attractive feminine face, but I knew beauty when I saw it. Now it was right before my eyes and when her eyes turned from yellowish to blue filled with warmth and love, I forgot all about my intentions to spray water at her. Instead, I hovered on the surface, watching her get up from her shell position, drops of water cascading down her pale skin.

Beautiful, I wanted to say, but couldn't out here. I hoped she could read the thought on my face, which she was currently studying.

She herself said nothing, just smiled knowingly and started moving towards the deep where I was.

I stayed on the surface for a bit longer to appreciate her attractiveness out of the water, the way her chest rose and fell as she breathed normally here, in her world. I then went below the surface to enjoy the view of her descending into my world. The water hugged those long legs I could never get enough of touching. Then it caressed her entrance I could never get enough of tasting. When her waist that I could never get enough of holding came into view as well, I flapped my tail once and was already next to her. My hands moved up her left thigh so that I could be stable enough to deliver a nip at her hip in greeting.

"Hello there yourself, Val," she said from above before I heard her take a deep breath.

She was ready to part with her voice and her breathing to join me yet again. Her willingness to do this for me every day never ceased to amaze me. She kept assuring me that I was her mate and she wouldn't have things any other way, but which female would willingly choose to live in a world deadly to her kind in order to have a monogamous relationship?

Mermen were capable of monogamy as long as the female didn't stray, but females always strayed. Nature had made them this way to ensure the strongest merchildren were born from the best father. Therefore, I had fear in my heart every time Aly left our home on a mission. Fear that she wouldn't return because another male had offered her the normal life in her own world that I could never provide. And every time my siren returned to me, I felt the need to remind her that no matter what, I loved her and would always wait for her here, in our home full of so many precious memories.

When she dove in with the grace of a dolphin, I was immediately there to take her in my arms before her heaviness made her sink as fast as a whale. I had hardly gotten a hold of her body when her lips descended on mine, eager not for air but for affection.

"Welcome home, Aly." I cupped her face with one hand, while my other was at the small of her back for balance as we sank towards the bottom as well as to keep her lower body in contact with mine. Let her know I was ready for copulation in case her long run home hadn't exhausted her too much and tomorrow's battle didn't have her on edge. She was certainly relaxed against me, and the look she had given me upon transforming had been that of an eager female.

She wrapped her shapely legs around my waist and rubbed her entrance against my manhood, causing it to extrude from within the protection of my scales.

"You missed me," I whispered through a happy smile before kissing her to give her air and a sign of approval. "I missed you, too."

Aly nipped the side of my neck and ran her claws teasingly over my backside. That was her way of showing approval. She had never admitted it out loud, but I felt how she adored it when I spoke words of affection to her during copulation. Behind my siren's tough shell lay a sweet exterior that craved to be cherished.

And cherish her I would.

I tasted her lips while my claws were teasing the soft skin of her back, making her shiver in anticipation. Then I got a firm grip on her thighs and used my tail to create friction between our lower bodies. Hard and fast was how she usually preferred our coupling, but tonight I wanted to see her come undone before I sank in her wet heat. I wanted her melting in my arms before we made our bodies one.

She scraped her claws over my tail's scales just the way I liked, urging me to take her already. But I kept my thrusts directed at her pleasure pearl. "Let me take you to the deepest waters of ecstasy first. Let go for me, Aly." My quickened thrusts had her arching her back in my hold, head thrown back. "Beautiful." So, so beautiful as she left herself to my touch here, in my world.

And when she peaked, it was I who was left breathless. My Aly was magnificent in her pleasure. I would never tire of the sight; I craved it daily.

She sought my lips hungrily, both for air and for more of the rapture I was ready to give her. Only her.

I would not keep her waiting. I eased my hold on her hips, leaving her to take what she needed from me. She kept her eyes locked with mine as she guided me to her core.

I closed my eyes, I couldn't help it. The feel of her enveloping me was always nearly enough to undo me. She fit me as snugly as a coral on an underwater rock. But I would not give in, not until we could sink into bliss together.

I moved quickly, the fast and powerful thrusts of my tail making Aly's walls flutter around my rod. She sought my lips again and again, fingers digging in my chest, legs squeezing the sides of my tail, silent cries of pleasure floating away in little bubbles of air.

She was tethering on the edge of release. All she needed was a little push...

"I love you, Aly. My heart beats only for you... My siren... My mate."

She shattered, and her rapture became my own.

For a few perfect moments, I had no sense of self. There was only us, arms wrapped around each other in the embrace of the gentle current of our lake home.

Then it was time to return to reality. To Aly's world.

But I had an entire night with my siren ahead of me. I could ask for nothing more.

In a Brave New World (Brave New World Book 5)Where stories live. Discover now