Chapter 11

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My tail went numb, losing its grip around Aly' leg. My hands couldn't maintain their hold around her waist either. I was rendered speechless. My body would have drifted away from hers, had she not taken hold of my left forearm before I could leave her side.

It was her pulling me to her lips with desperation on her face that brought my mind back to my body. Once I blew lots of air in her warm mouth, I was completely back to my senses. The shock of the discovery was replaced by euphoria.

Happiness as limitless as the ocean itself sent me swimming around my siren, excitement filling my three limbs with such energy that I could probably outswim a morena. I went around my siren from the left then from the right, my lips stretched into an uncontrollable smile.

I circled her quickly yet again, this time slowing down at her back and then at her front to look at her form with knowing eyes. Aly's waistline was as delicate as before, but it would widen gradually - I would have to make the pendant adjustable. Her breasts weren't bigger and harder, but they would become so in the coming weeks in preparation for the three days of nursing after the birth.

As I finished one more excited circle around my siren, I saw the angry confusion written on her face and couldn't but laugh. She still had no idea! I probably seemed like a crazy moon fish to her right now... Oh, how her expression would change when I told her the news!

I stopped my frenzied tail-flapping, took her hands in mine to ensure my upper body would not drift off, and looked into her eyes. "Aly,... you're merpregnant!"

No reaction. Her eyes were bulging and her cheeks weren't so puffed anymore, but that was because she was running low on air. I gave her a quick kiss, too eager to get her to understand to spend more time on filling her whole body with air.

I cupped her face. "There is a little fish inside you, Aly... Our little fish, mine and yours!... It's a miracle!"

Her eyes bulged and I gave her air, more this time, but when I pulled my lips away from hers, her eyes still looked as if they would pop out. She was shaking her head over and over again, which took time because the water was slowing down her movements. Therefore, it took me time to understand that she didn't believe me.

My siren was in denial.

I laughed. It was hard not to. It was so funny to have our roles reversed. Before, the news put the female in a frenzy and me standing frozen to the side, burdened by the thought of children coming my way in three weeks. By the knowledge that the female would come to give birth in my home, feed the newborns with milk for three days and leave permanently. Now here I was, overflowing with joy, and my siren was staring incredulously at me. But this time there was just one merchild coming my way, and Aly wouldn't abandon me after its birth, would she?

My laughter was replaced by hesitation, worry suddenly eating at me. "Aly..." I kept one hand on her face and moved the other to the small of her back to bring our bodies back together. "You would stay with me to bring our child up together, wouldn't you? The way humans do?... I know none of us are human, but–"

She cut me off with a kiss. I thought that was a 'hell yes' from her, but she demanded air instead.

My fins shook with worry at this point. Once she indicated she wanted us out of the water but inside our home, I felt my heart sinking the closer we got to the surface. If Aly wanted to speak, her answer clearly wasn't a 'yes' – that she could tell me underwater.

The moment we broke the surface, she grabbed the edge of the land in our cave and pulled herself up and out of the water, panting heavily to restore her normal breathing. I remained in the water. Watching, waiting, my tail tied in a metaphorical knot.

In a Brave New World (Brave New World Book 5)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ