Chapter 15

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My tail nearly fell from around her waist in surprise. "Anima?"

"I tried one and knew right away there was something off about the taste. I'm not stupid!" She was clinging to me with all her human strength, her delicate fingers digging into my back. "I saw you were just fine after eating some, but I'm familiar with how your super metabolism works, remember? I'm a scientist, Xan... And a coward."


"No, you don't understand: I'm a deserter! I made this battle happen and then took the first way out of it that I was presented with..." She shuddered again against me before continuing. "The previous battle when we tested the pixie dust? I was as good as dead: the fighter jet had been hit, it was engulfed in flames and about to crash, and there was nothing I could do, even the eject button wasn't working... In that moment, I saw my life pass before my eyes, I saw you and what we had..." She finally looked up, her wet eyes meeting mine. "I had found heaven and I had thrown it away in a stupid attempt at being a hero or something, at making the right thing for humanity! But what can I actually do? An anti-wrinkle cream, that's what! I'm no warrior, Xan. Just a scientist and a coward who sends others to fight in her war and die in her place."

I growled low. How could she think of herself this way? Could she not see what I saw when I looked upon her?

"Yes, it's true, animar," she stubbornly insisted. "I'm not worthy of your respect, I'm not worthy of being your queen and your mat–Ouch!"

She deserved the hard pinch at her derrier. How could she dare contest the wisdom of the Gods? Mating bonds were never wrong. She was. "Do not say such things ever again, anima. It is not funny."

She rolled her eyes. "It wasn't meant to be–"

"Have you forgotten how we met?"

A perplexed look appeared on her face.

"You saved me," I reminded her. "As filled with fear as you were, you saved me when you knew nothing about me and my kind."

"That was differe–"

"Have you forgotten how you found Jasmine?"

"Xan, this–"

"You came with me - despite my protests - to a forest you had been hunted and nearly killed in, to face your fears in the name of peace."

She remained silent this time, her gaze locked with mine.

"You went out of your way to ensure I would let you fly that metal bird into battle, despite knowing you did not possess enough knowledge to control it. Despite having watched enough alien invasion movies with all human aircraft being destroyed during the first clash with the invaders."

My little human gaped, and I passed a claw over her parted lips. Did she think I had not paid attention to her stories about humans' moving pictures? Yes, we had been in bed at the time, with me tracing her naked curves with the tip of my tail, but I had no problem multitasking.

"You nearly died in that burning metal can. Such an experience affects even the bravest warriors. And you, my brave little human, are a warrior."

"This wasn't my first near-death experience, Xan!... Though... there was something different about this time... It wasn't just my life I could lose, it was... everything! You, my friends, our future together... I guess I... When the time for today's battle came, I just couldn't go and risk losing all of that. At least not so soon after the aircraft crash." Her soft fingers rested on my chest in a soothing caress before she said softly, "I was horrified of both dying myself and of watching those I love and care for die. So I ate the strawberries. How is that brave?"

I smiled with a hint of fang. "Did you know what exactly I had put in them?"


"But you ate them still, my brave little human."

"Xan. It's not as if you would poison me or someth–"

"Anima." I gave her waist a squeeze with my tail. "There was one un-brave thing you did today, and that was hiding in here instead of greeting me upon my landing. Why?"

She bit her lower lip. "I was ashamed of what I'd done... I also knew I would fall apart out there regardless of whether you returned in good health, badly injured or... worse. I didn't want our brethren to see me in such a state. And here," she gestured at the heavily loaded table, "I could make myself useful. I figured the least I could do for the non-gargoyle warriors was to prepare additional jars of regenerating cream. Samuin did some spitting for me, though he was quite hesitant. I think he expected me to try something?"

I chuckled. "I, too, expected you to try something, little blessing."

She finally gifted me with a smile, albeit a tiny one. "Like what? My legs can barely hold me after all those strawberries injected with... whatever that was! Even throwing cushions at you is beyond me right now."

Ah, now I understood her seated greeting upon my entry. My anima was still weakened by the poppy powder.

I lifted her in my arms like on the very first flight we had shared, and she gave out a sexy little yelp.

"Xan, where–"

"The bathing chamber of the harem," I informed her as I took flight. My back and wings were sore still from today's overuse, but I would not waste time walking. My desire to bathe with my little human was much too great. "I need to wash the battle off me, anima, and you shall join me."

"Xan, I just told you my legs are Jell-o."

I flew into the bathing chamber where the tub was big enough for one male and ten females. It was perfect for my sneaky intentions.

"You will do nothing to exert yourself, little blessing." I smiled with two fangs showing while activating the filling cloud over the tub to maximum. "I only expect of you to reach ecstasy a myriad of times before the moon sets as I claim you over and over and over again. Like you deserve."

A proper smile finally erased the sad lines from her features. Now that was my anima. "That's all? Nothing else is expected of me? I get awarded for taking the coward's way out in the form of strawberries?"

She used that word again!

I looked at the amount of water in the tub - it would do.

As she landed in the warm water with a splash, I chuckled. When fire flared in her eyes upon emerging, hair dripping and body deliciously wet, I spread my wings excitedly. This, too, was my anima: pure fire that set my blood boiling and certain things throbbing.

"Holy freaking unbelievable. You dropped me! Again."

"Now, now, anima," I smiled as I joined her in the water, "you know I would never do that to you on purpose."

"Jerk," she clipped but stared at my hands while I was untying my robe. She flushed, unable to tear her gaze away.

I smelled her desire flair, her anger gone as quickly as it had appeared.


"Yes, anima?" I prompted, throwing my robe aside.

"My... fingers..." She looked up at my face and bit her lower lip. "They're not steady enough to... untie my robe. You'll have to... help."

I was already stepping in front of her, my tail going around her leg. She shivered in anticipation, and I leaned in to nibble at her earlobe while my fingers were making quick work of those ties at her back.

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