Chapter 16

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"Little blessing," I murmured as I pulled her back flush against me. The feel of her soft skin against the hard plains of mine was intoxicating, just like the scent of her need perfuming the air. But before we got lost in each other, I had to make sure she understood. "No more talking of cowardice, anima," I told her softly, arms wrapped around her shoulders. "You may not have joined the battle today, but you made it happen. You did your part."

She trembled in my arms and placed her small hands on my big calloused ones. "Animar, I–What I've done in the past does not excuse my behavior yesterday. The strawberries–"

"No excuses. The simple truth." I enveloped her in my wings as well and kissed the top of her head. "The military strategy is as important as the strength of the hand wielding the sword. You wished to do both when there was no need. You did your part. Now, enjoy our victory, anima." I bent and bit her lightly on the neck, the way she loved.

"Oh, Xan," she cried out.

My wings and tail went slack. Had I bit her too hard? Gods, what did I do–

My little human turned around, wrapped her arms around my middle and buried her face in my chest. Wet as we both were from the tropical rain, I still felt the evidence of her tears on my skin.


"You always know the right things to say, Xan," she spoke against my chest. "You're right: now more talking about war and battles." Finally, she lifted her gaze to meet mine. Her eyes shone with tears but her lips were stretched into a tentative smile, making my tail perk up. "Let's forget about everything outside this room for now and just feel, animar. You being here with me, alive, well, and victorious."

Mhmm. I liked the sound of that. I cupped her face, claws running through her wet hair. "I shall feast on you right here, little blessing. Gorge myself on you until the moon sets. Then we will go feast with our brethren and later, with our allies."

"No, Xan." Her smile turned mischievous. "I'll feast on you tonight. Taste every inch of you, to assure myself all your wounds have healed fully. Then I'll ride you until the moon reaches its highest point in the night sky."

I couldn't take it any longer. I cupped her luscious curves and lifted her out of the water until I had her legs around my waist. Then I claimed her lips deep and hard, until all my senses were dominated by her and her alone.

"Animar..." she panted sweetly against my lips.

I caressed her thigh with the tip of my tail. "Yes, gorgeous little human?"

"Tasting later. Riding now. I need you."

I flashed her a fang. "As do I, anima." I could not wait to be one with her either. If it were possible to stay joined forever, I would make it happen.

I moved down to sit in the tub, back against the side, never letting go of my greatest treasure. Once I had her sitting in my lap, arms on her hips and tail around her waist, I told her, "I am yours to do as you please. But did you not say your legs are jell-ous?"

A giggle escaped her that I quickly turned into a moan when I rolled my hips up, bringing her core in direct contact with my cock. "Forget about the Jell-o. You fought in a battle to come back to me. I can find the strength to move for us both, Xan... Though," she bit her lip, "we're going to splash water everywhere."

I ran the claw of my thumb over her bottom lip, eager to bite it myself. "The floor will absorb the water. Fear not."

"I keep forgetting we live on a cloud... Well, in that case..." She reached between us and wrapped her hand around my shaft underwater.

I hissed at the exquisite feel. My need for her was so great I would not last long in the first round. When she pumped me at the same time as she passed a hand down the inside of my wing, I growled. My tail's hold around her waist tightened possessively and the tip flicked one rosy bud, eliciting a gasp. I would not peak before my anima, no matter how well she used my weaknesses.

As she guided me to her core, inch after inch of me being enveloped in her velvety heat, I had to bite down on my tongue to keep myself from exploding. Being here with her, our souls about to merge when only hours ago I had doubted I'd ever see her again in this lifetime... Pure bliss.

I bent down and took her mouth in a torrid kiss. Let her know just what she did to me.

Breathless, she pulled away enough to whisper over my lips, our eyes meeting, "You're mine, Xan. Stay by my side, always."

"Yours, little human. Always."

From there onward, I could only grunt and growl as she moved up and down my cock, my hands aiding the hypnotic movements of her hips while my lips feasted on her rosy nipples and my tail played with her sweet clit. All the while, the tropical rain was kissing our heated skin, the water in the tub overflowing from the passion of our joining.

My wings drew tight. I would be undone any second, but may the Gods take my crown if I did not undo my anima first. "Come all over my cock, my Queen," I growled, my gaze locked with hers. "Mark me as yours."

One more thrust, and she surrendered to the throes of ecstasy, our pleasure combined as I too let go. Our souls were one once more.

My wings closed around her protectively. My greatest victory was here, in my arms. My little blessing.

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