Second star to the right on Christmas

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My name is Jane and I have been sailing for all my life. My father's name is Robert, but most people know him as The Dread Pirate Roberts and even as a young girl I was given the Pirate Name 'Jane RedSkull' and sailed alongside my father. He always has a soft spot for me but I am his daughter. This was a very special day, it was Christmas and I was on the boat next to the tree we tied to the mast, I looked up and saw two stars in the sky. One of them was much brighter than the other. I've heard of stories that have to do with those specific stars. If you head for the Second star to the right and straight on till morning, you'll reach Neverland. But why would I want to go to Neverland? I'm happy where I am. Plus, Neverland isn't even real.
"Jane! Where are ye girl?" That's father! I rushed over.
"What is it father?"
"We are making port. There be a woman I need speaking to." I nodded
"Who?" He smiles at me then his smile faded.
"Nevermind just stay close to me. She has a son close to ye age." I looked at him in confusion, why would I care if she has a son who was close to my age? Why would my father care about a man in his early 20's close to his daughter and first mate also in her early 20's.
"What do you not trust me to be around a man father? If you haven't noticed most of our crew are men." I said to him.
"Most of our crew are smart enough to not lay a finger on ye." He's right, or I would kill them, not to mention he would.

*1 hour later*

Finally, we made port. We go to The Gypsy's Gaze Tavern where my father can meet this man he has to meet with. Father waves to a man that is obnoxiously handsome, I see why father was warning me to stay close.
"Ahh Killian, where's ye mother?" He shook hands with Mr. Handsome.
"Mother is at the bar. Who is this lovely lady Robert?" He said gazing in my direction.
"I'm Jane RedSkull." I held my hand out to shake. He grabs my hand and kisses the back of it.
"I'm Killian Jones but most people call me Captain Hook." Shocked, I quickly took my hand back and come up with a reply.
"Awe you can't get them to stop?" I smirk at him. He just chuckles at that
"You're funny."
"Oi, Jane, I said stay close to me." My father barks. I follow him and Killian joins me.
"How long have you been sailing with The Dread Pirate Roberts?" Killian inquired.
"Umm all my life?"
"Oh how so?" I giggled at him.
"He's my father." He stopped dead in his tracks.
"Ahh Roberts. What brought ye old bones to the shore?"
"Eliza Jones." I walk up next to him.
"Wait Eliza Jones? As in Eliza 'The Reaper' Jones?"
"The girl knows me pirate name. Good girl."
"Eliza, this be me daughter. Jane RedSkull." She smiles at me.
"Pleased to meet ye. Ye have been introduced to me son Captain Hook."
"Yes ma'am. He's a fine *looks at Killian* umm fellow. I suppose." I smirk at him. He bows at me.
"A pleasure as always mi'lady." Eliza smacks the back of his head.
"Oi what was that for mum?"
"Don't ye be snarky with the lady. Ye be fortunate to have such a lovely thing looking yer way. Ye be sure to put him in his place miss RedSkull." I looked on in confusion.
"Father what is she talking about?" He looks at me with sadness in his eyes.
"I'm retiring. I give the ship to ye but I'm afraid the crew won't be going with ye. The best thing to do is to sell the girl." I looked over at Killian and then back at my father.
"So you want me to sail the sea with him? Still only a first mate? I'm never going to be a Captain?" I started to tear up. It's been my dream to be Captain of my own ship now that I have it, I don't have a crew and I'm being forced to sell my ship. Killian puts his hand on my shoulder, I look up at him, tears still in my eyes.
"Why can't a ship have two Captains?" He smiles at me as I beam up at him.
"Really? You would do that? For me?"
"Yeah why not?" I look at him with suspicion.
"What's in it for you?"
"I get a lovely lady to stay by my side."
"I'll give you the money from my ship. But please, don't name me first mate. I've been a first mate all my life."
"I promise that you can be Captain but I'm also gonna be Captain."
"Oh of course." I smirk at him.

*A few minutes late*

I sold my ship and now we are sailing away from the port.
"Men come meet our new crew mate: Captain Jane RedSkull!"
"A female Captain? You can't be serious Hook."
"Aye, I'm very serious. And if anyone questions her or me, you better ask for mercy, not sure if either of us will."
"You think I can't be a Captain? Do you know who my father was? The Dread Pirate Roberts."
"Wait, you're THE Jane RedSkull? The one that successfully defeated an entire fleet with two red swords?" I unsheathed my two chained red swords

""Wait, you're THE Jane RedSkull? The one that successfully defeated an entire fleet with two red swords?" I unsheathed my two chained red swords

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Imagine it red and two if them

I start to whip near them and it scares them.
"I don't do mercy gents. So don't cross me."

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