Venom in our eyes

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I woke up with Sapphire in my arms. It felt good. It felt right.
"Oh Peter!" I heard Maria sing. Ugh her again. I don't like her, she seems like she doesn't know the meaning of 'not interested' ugh. I nuzzled my face in Sapphires hair. She smells like ice and sugar cookies. I loved her smell,
I loved her hair, black or iridescent, I loved her fair skin, I loved her sweet voice, I loved everything about her. Maria smells like seaweed, her hair looks greasy, her skin is clammy, her voice makes me uncomfortable, I hate everything about her. Sapphire stirred a bit but I rubbed her back and played with her hair. She slowly opened her purple eyes.
"Good morning Sapphire." I kissed her forehead. She smiled at me.
"Good morning Peter." She caressed my face. I looked deep into her eyes.
"Screw it!" I said and planted my lips into hers and I put my hand on the back of her neck. I heard her sighs and she laced her fingers through my hair. I started to kiss down her neck. Even though her spell isn't working right now, I still can't help but want to do anything and everything with her.
"Oh Peter." She murmurs. Oh God, that sounded amazing. Sapphire and Maria said the exact same thing and I can only remember Sapphires. I only wanna hear it from her.
"THAT'S IT!!!" Sapphire yells. She gets out of bed, sadly, and rushes over to the door. She walks out, me following close behind, and walks straight up to Maria.
"Listen here you hussy, quit trying to get Peter, he doesn't want you!!!"
"That's why I make him want me."
"I fucking dare you to try." Then Sapphire grabs me by the collar and roughly kisses me. I kiss back immediately and I love how rough she is being right now. Almost as if she is being territorial. I pull back because I am out of breath. What a rush!!! Sapphire smirks and clings to my neck. She looks Maria in the eyes and says the words that I have been dreaming about.
"He's mine." Maria hisses at Sapphire and the human girl just laughs. I turned and looked at Felix and Willow. They are completely shocked at the display just now. It's got me flustered too.
"Did she just claim you Pan?" Felix asked me. I nodded my head.
"She sure did." I told him while brushing my finger tips over my lips. Then we hear Maria laughing. We all turn to look at her.
"Do you really think you can stop me? You are a mere mortal right now. You couldn't stop me if you tried." Maria said smugly.
"If I can't help but notice. You are currently tied to a tree on the freezing ground. That looks pretty defeated to me. I want nothing to do with you. What don't you understand about that. I DON'T WANT YOU!!!" She smiled again.
"Could you just hear me out Peter?"
"Don't call me by my first name. You call me Your Majesty."
"And no he can not hear you out. Are you crazy. You'll just try to enchant him."
"I am the rightful Queen of Neverland!!!" Maria yells. I shake my head.
"If anyone is the rightful Queen, it's Sapphire, she own half the island!!!"
"She doesn't deserve the title of Queen!!" Maria shouted. I scoffed.
"Oh and you do? How?"
"I can enchant your enemies to kill themselves."
"But then I wouldn't have anything to play with." I walked behind Sapphire and wrapped my arms around her waist with my head on her shoulder.
"I can make the mermaids behave."
"That doesn't really matter to me."
"Well- umm, I ca-"
"What can you do Sapphire?" She looked at me.
"I haven't really took time to notice what I can do." She simply said.
"I've been busy taking care of my side of the island. I make the winter flowers bloom, I make sure the winter animals are well fed, I keep the water frozen, I make sure Willow isn't too cold, and I make sure your side doesn't freeze over." I nuzzled her neck.
"Not as violent. I am violent enough, I don't need or want a Queen just as violent as I am. I want a soft and gentle Queen, just like Sapphire here. Also, the difference in looks kind of matters too. Your spell must blind men too."
"What's wrong with the way that I look?" Maria asked
"Your hair is a disgusting color of green, it looks like you dipped it in grease, your smell makes me nauseous, your voice makes my skin crawl, and your skin looks like a sinner sweating in church. Sapphire's skin sparkles, it's smooth and soft, her voice sets my heart a blaze, her hair is as soft as clouds, and she smells of ice and sugar cookies. Everything about her is lovely. Everything about YOU is disgusting. You think I want my Queen disgusting, you are out of your mind." She screams and a shock waves hits us. Sapphire walks up to her and slaps her across the face.
"Shut your filthy mouth fish." Sapphire gasped as did Willow. She ran to her room.
"Sapphire wait!!!" I rush after her. She was crying in the corner of her room. I sat next to her and wrapped my arms around her, she instantly cuddled into my chest.
"As soon as you said I was gentle, I slapped her and called her names." I see now.
"You feel like you aren't all the things I said?" She nodded.
"Oh Snowflake, you are all the things I said and more." All of a sudden, she started pants and rubbing her legs together.
"I'm feeling woozy, can you take me to my bed?"
"Of course my love." As I picked her up, she moans. Umm ok, I didn't mean to do that. As soon as we got to her bed, she's red hot and trying to take off my clothes.
"Want to officially make me your Queen?" As much as I do want this, something doesn't seem right. Something's off.
"Can you wait a moment Snowflake?" She pouts but nods. I look into her eyes and her pupils are dilated. I run out and grab Willow, I look at Maria and her mouth is gagged, good.
"Something weird and arousing is going on with Sapphire."
"Is she panting, skin hot to the touch, and her pupils are dilated?" Willow asked. I nodded.
"And she tried to take off my clothes." Her eyes widened.
"She basically begs me to find a mate for her whenever the Blue Moon comes, I guess she found one herself. Did she say anything?"
"She told me to officially make her my Queen." She laughs and points at Sapphires hut
"Good luck resisting that then." I turn around, shit I'm done for.

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