To Neverland

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So off we went, on some adventures as Captain Hook and Captain RedSkull. And never stopped being a gentleman towards me. He would always call me darling or luv or dollface which was my favorite. One day we were sailing and a specific star started to shine very brightly. Hmm I looked down at our ship in the water but it seemed to be lifting.
"Killian!!! We have a problem!!!" He comes out of the Captains Quarters and looks out and sees us floating.
"What in blazes is going on." I pointed to the stars.
"Second star to the right has got us in a gravitational pull somehow."
"Oh no. Neverland is pulling us in? I didn't know it could do that."
"It's pulling us in? But why? What does he want with us?" I asked Killian.
"I don't know."

*Meanwhile on Neverland*

I started to travel my land with Felix but we were down a path I don't know.
"Have you been this way before Felix?" He shook his head.
"No, this is new grounds. Wait, is it just me or is it getting colder." It was getting colder but I wasn't making it cold, I hate the cold.
"I'm not doing this." I summoned my lost boy look to keep myself warm.

" I summoned my lost boy look to keep myself warm

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Suddenly, we hear a girl singing. Two girls actually. Why are there girls on my island?

"Dancing bear, painted wing. Things I almost remember."
"And a song someone sings, once upon a December."
"Someone hold me safe and warm."
"Horse prance through a silver storm."
"Figures dancing gracefully. Across our memories."
"Someone hold me safe and warm."
"Horse prance through a silver storm."
"Figures dancing, gracefully. Across my memories."
"Far away, long ago. Burning dim as an ember."
"Things my heart use to know. Things it yerns to remember."
"And a song someone sings, once upon a December."

I have never heard anyone sing like that before. It's utterly beautiful. I look over at Felix and he is also transfixed. We turn the corner and we see where the voiced are coming from. Two girls stand before us, one is using magic to make it snow. She has gorgeous, iridescent hair  and eyes with pale skin. She is wearing a beautiful dress.

 She is wearing a beautiful dress

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