Never snowed here before

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My ship was being pulled into Neverland and I wasn't happy about it. My crew looked as uneasy as I did. I turned to face Jane, worried that she will be doomed to stay here. I walked over to her.
"Here, my Starfish. For you, it will keep you safe in this god forsaken land. Wait, is it... snowing?"

"What, is it not supposed to snow here?" She asked me

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"What, is it not supposed to snow here?" She asked me.
"It has never snowed here before. Wait, I have never been on this side of the island. It seems to have a different set of rules."
"What do you mean, Lionfish?"
"I've never seen it snow on Neverland. Pan hates the cold which means he isn't in control of this side of the island. Which means there's someone else we need to be worried about, Starfish."
"Oh great." She huffed.
"We should go to shore. See why Neverland pulled us into this realm in the first place."
"What if we run into Pan?" Hmm she has a point.
"We still need supplies." She nodded in agreement.
"Alrighty, to shore."

*Moments later*

It's odd seeing Neverland covered in snow.
"What are you doing in my Silver Bell Forest?" A girl with iridescent hair and eyes asked us. She was really pale but it seemed to match her perfectly. She was pretty but nothing compared to Jane, my Starfish. Wait what?
"We just need supplies mi'lady." Jane spoke up. The girl looked at me and clicked her tongue.
"It's already taken a hold of you has it? Poor thing." I looked at her with an odd expression on my face.
"What has taken a hold of me?"
"The spell of the southern side."
"What's the spell?" Jane asked. For some reason I am being drawn in her direction. I try to stop myself because I see a familiar face standing behind the girl.
"NO!!! MY FAIRY!!! GET YOUR OWN HOOK!!!" The girl looks shocked for a second.
"You're Killian Jones?" She asked me?
"Aye. And who might you be?"
"Oh how rude of me, my apologies. I am Sapphire Wintersong. This is my companion Willow Rootheart." She gestures towards a girl that looked like she was part deer.
"Why does it snow here?" Jane asked, I start moving closer her way. What is wrong with me?
"This is my side of the island, I'm part frost fairy so I make it snow because I like the cold. Peter doesn't like it cold."
"Speaking of, why is he hanging in you like his life depends on it?" I barked his way but the question was meant for Sapphire, she said her name was.
"That spell I was talking about? It affects men and men only." I'm now right behind Jane. I can't help myself, I move some of her hair away from her neck.
"What does it do?" She asked
"When a male that is on this part of the island craves something or someone, it activates my spell. Their deepest desires are forced forward and they can't help themselves and satisfy that desire. Take Killian for example." And as she said that I gently place my lips on Jane's neck causing her to gasp.
"Lionfish, what are you doing?" She bites her lip.
"What? You don't like it Starfish?" I kiss close to her ear and I whisper into it, trailing my hand to her hips. I look over and Pan is doing the same to Sapphire.
"What is Pan after?" Jane asked, making me jealous, so I bit down on her neck making her moan quietly.
"Don't say his name right now." Sapphire giggled at Pan.
"What is he after? He wants me, so you both needn't worry about him."
"How do I stop the spell?"
"You don't. He will either stop on his own or until he is satisfied." The deer girl said, I think her name was Willow, Felix next to her. He can't keep his hands off her, or he attempts to, she is making sure he behaves himself.
"Unless you don't want me to stop my
Starfish. Does it feel good when I grab your hips like this?" I roughly grabbed her hips and slammed them against mine. She moans again and turns around to face me.
"Killian, you have to snap out of it." I lean in closer.
"But I don't want to." I brush my lips on hers ever so lightly wanting her to close the gap, which she does. Jane shivers, I forgot it was snowing. Wait, snow.
"Are you cold from the snow." I was finally able to see things clearly.
"Jane I'm so sorry, I don't know what came over me." I said, backing away, basically begging for her to forgive me.
"Killian it's ok. You were under a spell."
"A spell? Wait is that Pan over there?"
"Yeah, he is under her spell."
"What does this spell do Starfish?"
"Umm, in simple terms, it makes men horny."
"More specifically Captain Jones, it makes men want to mate with their desired woman." Sapphire said.
"Mate with their desired woman. And I was doing all those things to you. Jane I'm sorry. I never meant for you to find out this way." She just smiles at me.
"Find out what? That you have feelings for me? Yeah, this didn't do that my Lionfish." She said with her hands on my face.
"What? What do you mean?" I put my hand on neck.
"Killian, you are not a subtle man. You wear your feelings as if it were your Hook love."
"I do not." She shakes her head, laughing
"Stubborn man." And she crashed her lips into mine. I gladly return the kiss, no longer affected by the spell. This was a real kiss.
"Those kisses under the spell were real too Captain Jones." I look over at the frost fairy confused.
"Sapphire can read minds Captain Jones and Captain RedSkull. She may not look like it but she is very powerful." Willow said.
"Wait, she can read minds?" Pan pipes up.

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