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The boys were laying down as Willow and I played with their hair. Peter was unsure and nervous and granted so was Felix but we tried to make them relax by singing to them. Such handsome boys, a shame they ended up here and not in the arms of different girls. Not too long after, their breathing became steady indicating that they had fallen asleep. I looked at Peter and couldn't help but swoon.
"Do you really think he is that handsome Sapphire?" I looked at Willow, she was still playing with Felix's hair and moving it out of the way of his face.
"I could ask you the same thing my sweet companion." She smiled then froze when Felix shifted and wrapped his arm around her waist and nuzzles into her neck.
"Sapphire, what do I do?" I couldn't really do much for Peter did the same thing to me. I looked at Willow and made sure she was watching me. I snuck my hand under Peter's head, pulling him closer, and starting playing with his hair again and I rested mine on the pillow. I wrapped one of my legs on his and my other leg in between his legs, he gladly accepted the new position still in a deep sleep. She did the same with Felix. We didn't think they would cuddle with us so willingly or maybe they didn't realize they were doing it, they were in a very deep sleep. I couldn't sleep, it was far too warm for me. I sleep in the cold, being a frost fairy and all but being in Peter's embrace was cozy. I looked over at Willow and she has fallen asleep. She falls for people easily or at least falls for people that show interest easily which, Felix did, whether he will admit it or not. When he closed his eyes enjoying her touch, that was him showing interest. When the boys start to cuddle us it means they are missing something in their lives which makes sense, they are lost boys. They are missing affection. It's what they want, what they crave and what they can't get. So when a girl showed them affection, they jumped at the opportunity. Felix mumbles in his sleep and starts to shake, waking Willow up. She plays with his hair to calm him down which it does and she runs her hands down his back in soft strokes causing the boy to make an interesting sound. I don't really know what the sound means but it causes Willow to blush. Peter also starts to become restless in his sleep. It seems they are having nightmares, my frost magic has the gift of changing nightmares to sweet dreams so I cast a spell over my fingers and run them through his hair, snowflakes take form in his hair and he sighs in content. I run my fingers over his back gently and he shivers. Oh dear, I must be too cold. I attempt to leave the bed but Peter grips me tighter. In a deep husky voice he says something that shocks me.
"No mine. You can't have her Hook. Get your own fairy."
"I won't leave Peter." I whisper in his ear.
"My deer, go away Devin." Willow giggles but stops when he starts to nuzzle close to her neck and his lips graze her skin. She whimpers and I put my finger over my lips to shush her.
"Sapphire, his lips are making me feel weird." Peter starts to do the same, waving his hand in his sleep, removing the cloak he and Felix were wearing. They were wearing just their trousers and tank tops. His lips trace over my pale skin and he chuckles. Is he even still asleep.
"You taste like ice cream." He whispers. I can't move. I look over at Willow and she is in the exact same situation as me. But Felix is whispering different things into her skin.
"You smell like fresh rain in spring."
"That's my natural smell. Sapphire, what do we do? What did we do?"
"We didn't do anything. Just let it happen I guess. We don't want to wake them." I gasp as I felt Peter's tongue on my skin and then his teeth. Oh my goodness, he has sharp K9's... I close my eyes in bliss. I don't know what he is doing or why but I can't help but like it. It feels like heaven. Suddenly, Peter's eyes shoot open and seeing the position we are in he just smirks.
"It seems frost fairies like firey demons." He whispers in my ear and nibbles on my skin below my ear.
"Peter, what are you doing." I ask trying to sound confident, which I did not.
"What did you expect my dear fairy? We are teenage boys. Only around other boys. You showed us affection and it turned us on. We can't stop now. We won't stop or at least I won't stop." He bit my neck again and I gasp. Then Peter and I sense someone entering our realm.
"Umm Peter? Should we check that?"
"Or we could keep going and ignore them."
"Peter stop!" He stopped and looked at me in shock.
"Oh my God. I'm sorry Sapphire, I wasn't fully in control. Can you forgive us? Oh no. No no no no no no!!!"
"Peter calm down please. This side of the island has an interesting history with it. It makes men do things they usually wouldn't do. You need to be careful."
"Why were we doing things with you?" Felix asked.
"We are females. One of the spells on this side makes men want to mate." Willow stated, blushing. Felix and Peter blush.
"You boys crave affection from a female, that triggers the spell."
"Well we have other things to deal with. We have intruders. Don't we dear Sapphire." I shiver as he said my name.
"I didn't think Frost Fairies got cold."
"We don't." I said looking away, blushing. He appears behind me.
"You do taste like ice cream." He whispers.

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